Source code for pfp.dbg

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import cmd
import collections
import os
import sys

import pfp.fields as fields
import pfp.errors as errors
import pfp.utils as utils

[docs]class PfpDbg(cmd.Cmd, object): """The pfp debugger cmd.Cmd class""" prompt = "pfp> " def __init__(self, interp): """Create the pfp debugger :scope: The scope in which to start debugging """ super(PfpDbg, self).__init__() self._interp = interp self._do_print_from_last_cmd = False def _update_prompt(self): if fields.NumberBase.endian == fields.BIG_ENDIAN: self.prompt = "BE pfp> " else: self.prompt = "LE pfp> " def update(self, ctxt, scope): self._ctxt = ctxt self._scope = scope
[docs] def preloop(self): self._update_prompt() self.print_lines()
[docs] def postcmd(self, stop, line): self._update_prompt() return stop
[docs] def default(self, line): cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line) funcs = [ getattr(self, n) for n in self.get_names() if n.startswith("do_" + cmd) ] if len(funcs) > 1: for func in funcs: print(func) elif len(funcs) == 1: return funcs[0](arg) elif len(funcs) == 0: return self.do_eval(line)
[docs] def do_peek(self, args): """Peek at the next 16 bytes in the stream:: Example: The peek command will display the next 16 hex bytes in the input stream:: pfp> peek 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 .PNG........IHDR """ s = self._interp._stream # make a copy of it pos = s.tell() saved_bits = collections.deque(s._bits) data =, 0) s._bits = saved_bits parts = [ "{:02x}".format(ord(data[x : x + 1])) for x in range(len(data)) ] if len(parts) != 0x10: parts += [" "] * (0x10 - len(parts)) hex_line = " ".join(parts) res = utils.binary("") for x in range(len(data)): char = data[x : x + 1] val = ord(char) if 0x20 <= val <= 0x7E: res += char else: res += utils.binary(".") if len(res) < 0x10: res += utils.binary(" " * (0x10 - len(res))) res = "{} {}".format(hex_line, utils.string(res)) if len(saved_bits) > 0: reverse_bits = reversed(list(saved_bits)) print("bits: {}".format(" ".join(str(x) for x in reverse_bits))) print(res)
[docs] def do_next(self, args): """Step over the next statement """ self._do_print_from_last_cmd = True self._interp.step_over() return True
[docs] def do_step(self, args): """Step INTO the next statement """ self._do_print_from_last_cmd = True self._interp.step_into() return True
[docs] def do_s(self, args): """Step into the next statement """ return self.do_step(args)
[docs] def do_continue(self, args): """Continue the interpreter """ self._do_print_from_last_cmd = True self._interp.cont() return True
[docs] def do_eval(self, args): """Eval the user-supplied statement. Note that you can do anything with this command that you can do in a template. The resulting value of your statement will be displayed. """ try: res = self._interp.eval(args) if res is not None: if hasattr(res, "_pfp__show"): print(res._pfp__show()) else: print(repr(res)) except errors.UnresolvedID as e: print("ERROR: " + e.message) except Exception as e: raise print("ERROR: " + e.message) return False
[docs] def do_show(self, args): """Show the current structure of __root (no args), or show the result of the expression (something that can be eval'd). """ args = args.strip() to_show = self._interp._root if args != "": try: to_show = self._interp.eval(args) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: " + e.message) return False if hasattr(to_show, "_pfp__show"): print(to_show._pfp__show()) else: print(repr(to_show))
[docs] def do_x(self, args): pass
do_x = do_show
[docs] def do_list(self, args): """List the current location in the template """ self.print_lines() return False
[docs] def do_quit(self, args): """The quit command """ self._interp.set_break(self._interp.BREAK_NONE) return True
[docs] def do_EOF(self, args): """The eof command """ return True
# --------------------- def print_lines(self): curr_line, lines = self._interp.get_curr_lines() for line_no, line in lines: prefix = " " line_no += 1 if line_no == curr_line: prefix = "--> " print( "{}{:3d} {}".format( prefix, line_no, line.replace("\t", " ") ) )