Source code for pfp.fields

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import contextlib
from intervaltree import IntervalTree, Interval
import json
import math
import re
import six
import struct

import pfp.errors as errors
import pfp.utils as utils
import pfp.bitwrap as bitwrap
import pfp.functions as functions


def true():
    res = Int()
    res._pfp__value = 1
    return res

def false():
    res = Int()
    res._pfp__value = 0
    return res

def get_value(field):
    if isinstance(field, Field):
        if isinstance(field, Array):
            return field._array_to_str()
        return field._pfp__value
        return field

def get_width(field):
    if isinstance(field, Field):
        return field.width
    elif isinstance(field, int):
        if field == 0:
            return 1
        if field > 0:
            return int(math.ceil(field.bit_length() / 8.0))
            return int(math.ceil(((~field).bit_length() + 1) / 8.0))
        raise Exception("Unexpected type: {}".format(field))

def get_str(field):
    if isinstance(field, Array):
        res = field._array_to_str()
    elif isinstance(field, Char):
        res = chr(PYVAL(field))
        res = get_value(field)

    return utils.string(res)

def inherit_hash(cls):
    cls.__hash__ = Field.__hash__
    return cls

PYVAL = get_value
PYSTR = get_str

[docs]class BitfieldRW(object): """Handles reading and writing the total bits for the bitfield data type from the input stream, and correctly applying endian and bit direction settings. """ def __init__(self, interp, cls): """Set the interpreter and stream for BitFieldReader :param pfp.interp.PfpInterp interp: The interpreter being used :param pfp.bitwrap.BitwrappedStream stream: The bitwrapped stream :param pfp.fields.Field cls: The class (a subclass of :any:`pfp.fields.Field`) - used to determine total size of bitfield (if padded). """ self.interp = interp self.cls = cls self.max_bits = self.cls.width * 8 self.reserved_bits = 0 self.offset = None self.total_bits_read = 0 # only used with padding is enabled self._cls_bits = None # used to write to the stream self._write_bits = []
[docs] def reserve_bits(self, num_bits, stream): """Used to "reserve" ``num_bits`` amount of bits in order to keep track of consecutive bitfields (or are the called bitfield groups?). E.g. :: struct { char a:8, b:8; char c:4, d:4, e:8; } :param int num_bits: The number of bits to claim :param pfp.bitwrap.BitwrappedStream stream: The stream to reserve bits on :returns: If room existed for the reservation """ padded = self.interp.get_bitfield_padded() num_bits = PYVAL(num_bits) if padded: num_bits = PYVAL(num_bits) if num_bits + self.reserved_bits > self.max_bits: return False # if unpadded, always allow it if not padded: if self._cls_bits is None: self._cls_bits = [] # reserve bits will only be called just prior to reading the bits, # so check to see if we have enough bits in self._cls_bits, else # read what's missing diff = len(self._cls_bits) - num_bits if diff < 0: self._cls_bits += self._do_read_bits(stream, -diff) self.reserved_bits += num_bits return True
def tell(self, stream): if self.offset is None: return stream.tell() else: bytes_offset = self.total_bits_read // 8 return self.offset + bytes_offset def tell_bits(self): return 8 - (self.total_bits_read % 8)
[docs] def read_bits(self, stream, num_bits, padded, left_right, endian): """Return ``num_bits`` bits, taking into account endianness and left-right bit directions """ if self._cls_bits is None and padded: raw_bits = self._do_read_bits(stream, self.cls.width * 8) self._cls_bits = self._endian_transform(raw_bits, endian) if self._cls_bits is not None: if num_bits > len(self._cls_bits): raise errors.PfpError("BitfieldRW reached invalid state") if left_right: res = self._cls_bits[:num_bits] self._cls_bits = self._cls_bits[num_bits:] else: res = self._cls_bits[-num_bits:] self._cls_bits = self._cls_bits[:-num_bits] else: res = self._do_read_bits(stream, num_bits) self.total_bits_read += len(res) return res
[docs] def write_bits(self, stream, raw_bits, padded, left_right, endian): """Write the bits. Once the size of the written bits is equal to the number of the reserved bits, flush it to the stream """ if padded: if left_right: self._write_bits += raw_bits else: self._write_bits = raw_bits + self._write_bits if len(self._write_bits) == self.reserved_bits: bits = self._endian_transform(self._write_bits, endian) # if it's padded, and all of the bits in the field weren't used, # we need to flush out the unused bits # TODO should we save the value of the unused bits so the data that # is written out matches exactly what was read? if self.reserved_bits < self.cls.width * 8: filler = [0] * ((self.cls.width * 8) - self.reserved_bits) if left_right: bits += filler else: bits = filler + bits stream.write_bits(bits) self._write_bits = [] else: # if an unpadded field ended up using the same BitfieldRW and # as a previous padded field, there will be unwritten bits left in # self._write_bits. These need to be flushed out as well if len(self._write_bits) > 0: stream.write_bits(self._write_bits) self._write_bits = [] stream.write_bits(raw_bits)
def _endian_transform(self, bits, endian): res = [] # perform endianness transformation for x in six.moves.range(self.cls.width): if endian == BIG_ENDIAN: curr_byte_idx = x else: curr_byte_idx = self.cls.width - x - 1 res += bits[curr_byte_idx * 8 : (curr_byte_idx + 1) * 8] return res def _do_read_bits(self, stream, num): """Read ``num`` number of bits from the stream """ if self.offset is None: self.offset = stream.tell() return stream.read_bits(num)
[docs]class Field(object): """Core class for all fields used in the Pfp DOM. All methods use the _pfp__XXX naming convention to avoid conflicting names used in templates, since struct fields will implement ``__getattr__`` and ``__setattr__`` to directly access child fields""" _pfp__interp = None _pfp__name = None """The name of the Field""" _pfp__parent = None """The parent of the field""" _pfp__prev_sibling = None """The previous field in this scope""" _pfp__next_sibling = None """The next field in this scope""" _pfp__watchers = [] """All fields that are watching this field""" _pfp__watch_fields = [] """All fields that this field is watching""" def __init__(self, stream=None, metadata_processor=None): super(Field, self).__init__() self._pfp__name = None self._pfp__frozen = False self._pfp__offset = -1 self._pfp__offset_bits = None # watchers to update when something changes self._pfp__watchers = [] self._pfp__parent = None self._pfp__watch_fields = [] self._pfp__no_notify = False self._pfp__packer = None self._pfp__unpack = None self._pfp__pack = None self._pfp__pack_type = None self._pfp__no_unpack = False self._pfp__parsed_packed = None self._pfp__metadata_processor = metadata_processor self._ = None self._pfp__array_idx = None self._pfp__snapshot_stack = [] if stream is not None: self._pfp__parse(stream, save_offset=True) def _pfp__get_class(self): """Return the class for this field. This would be used for things like integer promotion and type casting. """ return self.__class__ # see #51 - fields should have a method of returning the full path of its name
[docs] def _pfp__path(self): """Return the full pathname of this field. E.g. given the template below, the ``a`` field would have a full path of ``root.nested.a`` .. code-block:: c struct { struct { char a; } nested; } root; """ curr = self res = [] while curr is not None: # don't show the meta __root name in the path if curr._pfp__name == "__root" and curr._pfp__parent is None: break if curr._pfp__name is not None: res.append(curr._pfp__name) if isinstance(curr._pfp__parent, Array): curr = curr._pfp__parent._pfp__parent else: curr = curr._pfp__parent return ".".join(reversed(res))
def _pfp__snapshot(self, recurse=True): """Save off the current value of the field """ if hasattr(self, "_pfp__value"): self._pfp__snapshot_stack.append(self._pfp__value) def _pfp__restore_snapshot(self, recurse=True): """Restore a saved value snapshot """ if hasattr(self, "_pfp__value"): self._pfp__value = self._pfp__snapshot_stack.pop() def _pfp__process_metadata(self): """Process the metadata once the entire struct has been declared. """ if self._pfp__metadata_processor is None: return metadata_info = self._pfp__metadata_processor() if isinstance(metadata_info, list): for metadata in metadata_info: if metadata["type"] == "watch": self._pfp__set_watch( metadata["watch_fields"], metadata["update_func"], *metadata["func_call_info"] ) elif metadata["type"] == "packed": del metadata["type"] self._pfp__set_packer(**metadata) if self._pfp__can_unpack(): self._pfp__unpack_data(self.raw_data) def _pfp__watch(self, watcher): """Add the watcher to the list of fields that are watching this field """ if self._pfp__parent is not None and isinstance( self._pfp__parent, Union ): self._pfp__parent._pfp__watch(watcher) else: self._pfp__watchers.append(watcher) def _pfp__set_watch(self, watch_fields, update_func, *func_call_info): """Subscribe to update events on each field in ``watch_fields``, using ``update_func`` to update self's value when ``watch_field`` changes""" self._pfp__watch_fields = watch_fields for watch_field in watch_fields: watch_field._pfp__watch(self) self._pfp__update_func = update_func self._pfp__update_func_call_info = func_call_info def _pfp__set_packer( self, pack_type, packer=None, pack=None, unpack=None, func_call_info=None, ): """Set the packer/pack/unpack functions for this field, as well as the pack type. :pack_type: The data type of the packed data :packer: A function that can handle packing and unpacking. First arg is true/false (to pack or unpack). Second arg is the stream. Must return an array of chars. :pack: A function that packs data. It must accept an array of chars and return an array of chars that is a packed form of the input. :unpack: A function that unpacks data. It must accept an array of chars and return an array of chars """ self._pfp__pack_type = pack_type self._pfp__unpack = unpack self._pfp__pack = pack self._pfp__packer = packer self._pfp__pack_func_call_info = func_call_info def _pfp__pack_data(self): """Pack the nested field """ if self._pfp__pack_type is None: return tmp_stream = six.BytesIO() self._._pfp__build(bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(tmp_stream)) raw_data = tmp_stream.getvalue() unpack_func = self._pfp__packer unpack_args = [] if self._pfp__packer is not None: unpack_func = self._pfp__packer unpack_args = [true(), raw_data] elif self._pfp__pack is not None: unpack_func = self._pfp__pack unpack_args = [raw_data] # does not need to be converted to a char array if not isinstance(unpack_func, functions.NativeFunction): io_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(six.BytesIO(raw_data)) unpack_args[-1] = Array(len(raw_data), Char, io_stream) res = unpack_args, *self._pfp__pack_func_call_info, no_cast=True ) if isinstance(res, Array): res = res._pfp__build() io_stream = six.BytesIO(res) tmp_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(io_stream) self._pfp__no_unpack = True self._pfp__parse(tmp_stream) self._pfp__no_unpack = False def _pfp__can_unpack(self): """Return if this field has a packer/pack/unpack methods set as well as a pack type """ return self._pfp__pack_type is not None def _pfp__unpack_data(self, raw_data): """Means that the field has already been parsed normally, and that it now needs to be unpacked. :raw_data: A string of the data that the field consumed while parsing """ if self._pfp__pack_type is None: return if self._pfp__no_unpack: return unpack_func = self._pfp__packer unpack_args = [] if self._pfp__packer is not None: unpack_func = self._pfp__packer unpack_args = [false(), raw_data] elif self._pfp__unpack is not None: unpack_func = self._pfp__unpack unpack_args = [raw_data] # does not need to be converted to a char array if not isinstance(unpack_func, functions.NativeFunction): io_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(six.BytesIO(raw_data)) unpack_args[-1] = Array(len(raw_data), Char, io_stream) res = unpack_args, *self._pfp__pack_func_call_info, no_cast=True ) if isinstance(res, Array): res = res._pfp__build() io_stream = six.BytesIO(res) tmp_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(io_stream) tmp_stream.padded = self._pfp__interp.get_bitfield_padded() self._ = self._pfp__parsed_packed = self._pfp__pack_type(tmp_stream) self._._pfp__watch(self) def _pfp__handle_updated(self, watched_field): """Handle the watched field that was updated """ self._pfp__no_notify = True # nested data has been changed, so rebuild the # nested data to update the field # TODO a global setting to determine this behavior? # could slow things down a bit for large nested structures # notice the use of _is_ here - 'is' != '=='. '==' uses # the __eq__ operator, while is compares id(object) results if watched_field is self._: self._pfp__pack_data() elif self._pfp__update_func is not None: [self] + self._pfp__watch_fields, *self._pfp__update_func_call_info ) self._pfp__no_notify = False def _pfp__notify_update(self, child=None): for watcher in self._pfp__watchers: watcher._pfp__handle_updated(self) if self._pfp__parent is not None: self._pfp__parent._pfp__notify_update(self)
[docs] def _pfp__width(self): """Return the width of the field (sizeof) """ raw_output = six.BytesIO() output = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(raw_output) self._pfp__build(output) output.flush() return len(raw_output.getvalue())
def _pfp__freeze(self): """Freeze the field so that it cannot be modified (const) """ self._pfp__frozen = True def _pfp__get_root_value(self, val): """helper function to fetch the root value of an object""" if isinstance(val, Field): return val._pfp__value else: return val
[docs] def _pfp__set_value(self, new_val): """Set the new value if type checking is passes, potentially (TODO? reevaluate this) casting the value to something else :new_val: The new value :returns: TODO """ if self._pfp__frozen: raise errors.UnmodifiableConst() self._pfp__value = get_value(new_val) return self._pfp__notify_parent()
def _pfp__notify_parent(self): if self._pfp__no_notify: return [] notified_watchers = [] for watcher in self._pfp__watchers: watcher._pfp__handle_updated(self) notified_watchers.append(watcher) if self._pfp__parent is not None: self._pfp__parent._pfp__notify_update(self) return notified_watchers
[docs] def _pfp__build(self, output_stream=None, save_offset=False): """Pack this field into a string. If output_stream is specified, write the output into the output stream :output_stream: Optional output stream to write the results to :save_offset: If true, the current offset into the stream will be saved in the field :returns: Resulting string if ``output_stream`` is not specified. Else the number of bytes writtern. """ raise NotImplemented( "Inheriting classes must implement the _pfp__build function" )
[docs] def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False): """Parse this field from the ``stream`` :stream: An IO stream that can be read from :save_offset: Save the offset into the stream :returns: None """ raise NotImplemented( "Inheriting classes must implement the _pfp__parse function" )
def _pfp__maybe_unpack(self): """Should be called after initial parsing to unpack any nested data types """ if self._pfp__pack_type is None or ( self._pfp__pack is not None and self._pfp__packer is not None ): return pass def _pfp__pack(self): """Should be called after initial parsing """ pass def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare the Field to something else, either another Field or something else :other: Another Field instance or something else :returns: result of cmp() """ val = get_value(other) return cmp(self._pfp__value, val) def __lt__(self, other): """Compare the Field to something else, either another Field or something else :other: The other field :returns: True if equal """ val = get_value(other) return self._pfp__value < val def __le__(self, other): val = get_value(other) return self._pfp__value <= val def __gt__(self, other): """Compare the Field to something else, either another Field or something else :other: The other field :returns: True if equal """ val = get_value(other) return self._pfp__value > val def __ge__(self, other): val = get_value(other) return self._pfp__value >= val def __ne__(self, other): val = get_value(other) return self._pfp__value != val def __eq__(self, other): """See if the two items are equal (True/False) :other: :returns: """ val = get_value(other) return self._pfp__value == other # see #49 - needed for some fuzzing functionality changes (python3 # was complaining about Fields not being hashable) # # Also note - this is not inheritable in python3 and MUST be explicitly # set: def __hash__(self): #return self._pfp__value.__hash__() res = self._pfp__build() # bit fields return an array, not bytes if isinstance(res, list): return str(res).__hash__() return res.__hash__() def __repr__(self): return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._pfp__value) def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx != 0: raise IndexError(idx) return self
[docs] def _pfp__show(self, level=0, include_offset=False): """Return a representation of this field :param int level: The indent level of the output :param bool include_offset: Include the parsed offsets of this field """ return repr(self)
def _pfp__promote(self, other): """Noop promotion on the base NumberBase class """ return other
[docs]@inherit_hash class Void(Field): """The void field - used for return value of a function""" pass
[docs]@inherit_hash class ImplicitArrayWrapper(Field): """ """ last_field = None implicit_array = None def __init__(self, last_field, implicit_array): """Redirect all attribute accesses to the ``last_field``, except for array indexing. Array indexing is forwarded on to the ``implicit_array``. """ super(Field, self).__setattr__("last_field", last_field) super(Field, self).__setattr__("implicit_array", implicit_array) def _pfp__get_class(self): """Return the last field class type and not the array type. Overrides :any:`Field._pfp__get_class`. """ return self.last_field._pfp__get_class() def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Custom setattr that forwards all sets to the last_field """ return setattr(self.last_field, name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): """Custom getattr that forwards all gets to last_field. """ return getattr(self.last_field, name) def __getitem__(self, key): """Let this ImplicitArrayWrapper act like an array """ return self.implicit_array[key]
[docs]@inherit_hash class Struct(Field): """The struct field""" _pfp__show_name = "struct" _pfp__children = [] """All children of the struct, in order added""" _pfp__implicit_arrays = {} """Mapping of all implicit arrays in this struct. All implicit arrays will be resolved to a concrete array after parsing is complete""" _pfp__name_collisions = {} """Counters for any naming collisions""" _pfp__scope = None def __init__(self, stream=None, metadata_processor=None): # ordered list of children super(Struct, self).__setattr__("_pfp__children", []) # initialize implicit arrays for this struct instance super(Struct, self).__setattr__("_pfp__implicit_arrays", {}) # for quick child access super(Struct, self).__setattr__("_pfp__children_map", {}) # reinit it here just for this instance... self._pfp__name_collisions = {} super(Struct, self).__init__(metadata_processor=metadata_processor) if stream is not None: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() def _pfp__finalize(self): """Finalize the results of parsing the data. Currently this involves: * resolving implicit arrays to concrete arrays """ to_swap = [] for child_name, child in six.iteritems(self._pfp__children_map): if isinstance(child, Struct): child._pfp__finalize() continue if child_name not in self._pfp__implicit_arrays: continue to_swap.append((child_name, child)) for child_name, child in to_swap: implicit_array = self._pfp__implicit_arrays[child_name] self._pfp__children_map[child_name] = implicit_array self._pfp__scope.add_var(child_name, implicit_array) def _pfp__snapshot(self, recurse=True): """Save off the current value of the field """ super(Struct, self)._pfp__snapshot(recurse=recurse) if recurse: for child in self._pfp__children: child._pfp__snapshot(recurse=recurse) def _pfp__restore_snapshot(self, recurse=True): """Restore the snapshotted value without triggering any events """ super(Struct, self)._pfp__restore_snapshot(recurse=recurse) if recurse: for child in self._pfp__children: child._pfp__restore_snapshot(recurse=recurse) def _pfp__process_fields_metadata(self): """Tell each child to process its metadata """ for child in self._pfp__children: child._pfp__process_metadata() def _pfp__set_value(self, value): """Initialize the struct. Value should be an array of fields, one each for each struct member. :value: An array of fields to initialize the struct with :returns: None """ if self._pfp__frozen: raise errors.UnmodifiableConst() if len(value) != len(self._pfp__children): raise errors.PfpError( "struct initialization has wrong number of members" ) modified_watchers = [] for x in six.moves.range(len(self._pfp__children)): modified_watchers += self._pfp__children[x]._pfp__set_value(value[x]) return modified_watches
[docs] def _pfp__add_child(self, name, child, stream=None, overwrite=False): """Add a child to the Struct field. If multiple consecutive fields are added with the same name, an implicit array will be created to store all fields of that name. :param str name: The name of the child :param pfp.fields.Field child: The field to add :param bool overwrite: Overwrite existing fields (False) :param pfp.bitwrap.BitwrappedStream stream: unused, but her for compatability with Union._pfp__add_child :returns: The resulting field added """ res = None if not overwrite and self._pfp__is_non_consecutive_duplicate( name, child ): res = self._pfp__handle_non_consecutive_duplicate(name, child) elif not overwrite and name in self._pfp__children_map: implicit_array = self._pfp__handle_implicit_array(name, child) # see #110 ( # during parsing, duplicate (implicit) arrays should always # reference the last parsed variable of ``name``. However, if the # variable ``name`` is indexed, then the nth duplicate array item # should be returned. # # E.g. # # int x; # int x; # int x; # Printf("%d\n", x); // prints the latest x value # Printf("%d\n", x[0]); // prints the first x value # self._pfp__implicit_arrays[name] = implicit_array wrapper = self._pfp__children_map[name] = ImplicitArrayWrapper(child, implicit_array) res = wrapper else: child._pfp__parent = self self._pfp__children.append(child) child._pfp__name = name self._pfp__children_map[name] = child res = child if len(self._pfp__children) > 1: res._pfp__prev_sibling = self._pfp__children[-2] self._pfp__children[-2]._pfp__next_sibling = res return res
def _pfp__handle_non_consecutive_duplicate(self, name, child, insert=True): """This new child, and potentially one already existing child, need to have a numeric suffix appended to their name. An entry will be made for this name in ``self._pfp__name_collisions`` to keep track of the next available suffix number""" if name in self._pfp__children_map: previous_child = self._pfp__children_map[name] # DO NOT cause __eq__ to be called, we want to test actual objects, not comparison # operators if previous_child is not child: self._pfp__handle_non_consecutive_duplicate( name, previous_child, insert=False ) del self._pfp__children_map[name] next_suffix = self._pfp__name_collisions.setdefault(name, 0) new_name = "{}_{}".format(name, next_suffix) child._pfp__name = new_name self._pfp__name_collisions[name] = next_suffix + 1 self._pfp__children_map[new_name] = child child._pfp__parent = self if insert: self._pfp__children.append(child) return child def _pfp__is_non_consecutive_duplicate(self, name, child): """Return True/False if the child is a non-consecutive duplicately named field. Consecutive duplicately-named fields are stored in an implicit array, non-consecutive duplicately named fields have a numeric suffix appended to their name""" if len(self._pfp__children) == 0: return False # it should be an implicit array if self._pfp__children[-1]._pfp__name == name: return False # if it's elsewhere in the children name map OR a collision sequence has already been # started for this name, it should have a numeric suffix # appended elif ( name in self._pfp__children_map or name in self._pfp__name_collisions ): return True # else, no collision return False def _pfp__handle_implicit_array(self, name, child): """Handle inserting implicit array elements """ existing_child = self._pfp__children_map[name] existing_implicit_array = self._pfp__implicit_arrays.get(name, None) if isinstance(existing_implicit_array, Array): # I don't think we should check this # # if existing_child.field_cls != child.__class__: # raise errors.PfpError("implicit arrays must be sequential!") existing_implicit_array.append(child) return existing_implicit_array else: cls = ( child._pfp__class if hasattr(child, "_pfp__class") else child.__class__ ) ary = Array(0, cls) # since the array starts with the first item ary._pfp__offset = existing_child._pfp__offset ary._pfp__parent = self ary._pfp__name = name ary.implicit = True ary.append(existing_child) ary.append(child) exist_idx = -1 for idx, child in enumerate(self._pfp__children): if child is existing_child: exist_idx = idx break self._pfp__children[exist_idx] = ary self._pfp__children_map[name] = ary return ary def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False): """Parse the incoming stream :stream: Input stream to be parsed :returns: Number of bytes parsed """ if save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() res = 0 for child in self._pfp__children: res += child._pfp__parse(stream, save_offset) return res def _pfp__build(self, stream=None, save_offset=False): """Build the field and write the result into the stream :stream: An IO stream that can be written to :returns: None """ if save_offset and stream is not None: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() # returns either num bytes written or total data res = utils.binary("") if stream is None else 0 # iterate IN ORDER for child in self._pfp__children: child_res = child._pfp__build(stream, save_offset) res += child_res return res def __getattr__(self, name): """Custom __getattr__ for quick access to the children""" children_map = super(Struct, self).__getattribute__( "_pfp__children_map" ) if name in children_map: return children_map[name] else: res = self._pfp__scope.get_var(name, recurse=False) if res is not None: return res # default getattr instead return super(Struct, self).__getattribute__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Custom __setattr__ for quick setting of children values If value is not an instance of ``Field``, assume it is the value for the field and that the field itself should not be overridden""" children_map = super(Struct, self).__getattribute__( "_pfp__children_map" ) if name in children_map: if not isinstance(value, Field): children_map[name]._pfp__set_value(value) else: children_map[name] = value self._pfp__notify_parent() return children_map[name] else: # default getattr instead return super(Struct, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __repr__(self): return object.__repr__(self) def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def _pfp__show(self, level=0, include_offset=False): """Show the contents of the struct """ res = [] res.append( "{}{} {{".format( "{:04x} ".format(self._pfp__offset) if include_offset else "", self._pfp__show_name, ) ) for child in self._pfp__children: res.append( "{}{}{:10s} = {}".format( " " * (level + 1), "{:04x} ".format(child._pfp__offset) if include_offset else "", child._pfp__name, child._pfp__show(level + 1, include_offset), ) ) res.append("{}}}".format(" " * level)) return "\n".join(res) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over this struct's children """ return self._pfp__children.__iter__()
[docs]@inherit_hash class Union(Struct): """A union field, where each member is an alternate view of the data""" _pfp__buff = None _pfp__size = 0 _pfp__show_name = "union" def __init__(self, stream=None, metadata_processor=None): """Init the union and its buff stream """ super(Union, self).__init__(metadata_processor=metadata_processor) if stream is not None: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() self._pfp__buff = six.BytesIO() def _pfp__add_child(self, name, child, stream=None): """Add a child to the Union field :name: The name of the child :child: A :class:`.Field` instance :returns: The resulting field """ res = super(Union, self)._pfp__add_child(name, child), 0) child._pfp__build(stream=self._pfp__buff) size = len(self._pfp__buff.getvalue()), 0) if stream is not None: curr_pos = stream.tell() - size, 0) return res def _pfp__notify_update(self, child=None): """Handle a child with an updated value """ if getattr(self, "_pfp__union_update_other_children", True): self._pfp__union_update_other_children = False new_data = child._pfp__build() new_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(six.BytesIO(new_data)) for other_child in self._pfp__children: if other_child is child: continue if ( isinstance(other_child, Array) and other_child.is_stringable() ): other_child._pfp__set_value(new_data) else: other_child._pfp__parse(new_stream) self._pfp__no_update_other_children = True super(Union, self)._pfp__notify_update(child=child) def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False): """Parse the incoming stream :stream: Input stream to be parsed :returns: Number of bytes parsed """ if save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() max_res = 0 for child in self._pfp__children: child_res = child._pfp__parse(stream, save_offset) if child_res > max_res: max_res = child_res # rewind the stream, -1) self._pfp__size = max_res self._pfp__buff = six.BytesIO( return max_res def _pfp__build(self, stream=None, save_offset=False): """Build the union and write the result into the stream. :stream: None :returns: None """ max_size = -1 if stream is None: core_stream = six.BytesIO() new_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(core_stream) else: new_stream = stream for child in self._pfp__children: curr_pos = new_stream.tell() child._pfp__build(new_stream, save_offset) size = new_stream.tell() - curr_pos, 1) if size > max_size: max_size = size, 1) if stream is None: return core_stream.getvalue() else: return max_size def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Custom __setattr__ to keep track of the order things are writen (to mimic writing to memory) """ res = super(Union, self).__setattr__(name, value) children_map = super(Struct, self).__getattribute__( "_pfp__children_map" ) if name in children_map: field = getattr(self, name) # back to the start of the buffer, 0) field._pfp__build(stream=self._pfp__buff) return res
[docs]@inherit_hash class Dom(Struct): """The main container struct for a template""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # see keep_successful notes on pfp.parse and pfp.interp.PfpInterp.parse self._pfp__error = None self._pfp__types = None def __getattr__(self, attr_name): """Custom getattr for Dom class so types can also be accessed""" if self._pfp__types is not None and hasattr( self._pfp__types, attr_name ): return getattr(self._pfp__types, attr_name) else: return super(self.__class__, self).__getattr__(attr_name) """The result of an interpreted template""" def _pfp__build(self, stream=None, save_offset=False): if stream is None: io_stream = six.BytesIO() tmp_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(io_stream) tmp_stream.padded = self._pfp__interp.get_bitfield_padded() super(Dom, self)._pfp__build(tmp_stream, save_offset=save_offset) # flush out any unaligned bitfields, etc tmp_stream.flush() res = io_stream.getvalue() return res else: if not isinstance(stream, bitwrap.BitwrappedStream): stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(stream) return super(Dom, self)._pfp__build( stream, save_offset=save_offset )
[docs]@inherit_hash class NumberBase(Field): """The base field for all numeric fields""" # can be set on individual fields, for all numbers (NumberBase.endian = ...), # or specific number classes (Int.endian = ...) endian = ( LITTLE_ENDIAN ) # default endianness is LITTLE_ENDIAN apparently..?? wtf width = 4 # number of bytes format = "i" # default signed int bitsize = None # for IntBase _pfp__value = 0 # default value @classmethod def _pfp__width(self): """Return the width of the current atomic type """ return self.width def __init__( self, stream=None, bitsize=None, metadata_processor=None, bitfield_rw=None, bitfield_padded=False, bitfield_left_right=False, ): """Special init for the bitsize """ self.bitsize = get_value(bitsize) self.bitfield_rw = bitfield_rw # fields need to remember if they were parsed with padded bits or not self.bitfield_padded = bitfield_padded self.bitfield_left_right = bitfield_left_right super(NumberBase, self).__init__( stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor ) def __nonzero__(self): """Used for the not operator""" return self._pfp__value != 0 def __bool__(self): """Used for the not operator""" return self._pfp__value != 0 def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False, set_val=True): """Parse the IO stream for this numeric field :stream: An IO stream that can be read from :returns: The number of bytes parsed """ if save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() if self.bitsize is None: raw_data = data = utils.binary(raw_data) else: self._pfp__offset = self.bitfield_rw.tell(stream) self._pfp__offset_bits = self.bitfield_rw.tell_bits() bits = self.bitfield_rw.read_bits( stream, self.bitsize, self.bitfield_padded, self.bitfield_left_right, self.endian, ) width_diff = self.width - (len(bits) // 8) - 1 bits_diff = 8 - (len(bits) % 8) padding = [0] * (width_diff * 8 + bits_diff) bits = padding + bits data = bitwrap.bits_to_bytes(bits) if self.endian == LITTLE_ENDIAN: # reverse the data data = data[::-1] if len(data) < self.width: raise errors.PrematureEOF() val = struct.unpack( "{}{}".format(self.endian, self.format), data )[0] if set_val: self._pfp__data = data self._pfp__value = val return self.width else: return val def _pfp__build( self, stream=None, save_offset=False, ignore_bitfields=False, ): """Build the field and write the result into the stream :stream: An IO stream that can be written to :returns: None """ if stream is not None and save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() if ignore_bitfields or self.bitsize is None: data = struct.pack( "{}{}".format(self.endian, self.format), self._pfp__value ) if stream is not None: stream.write(data) return len(data) else: return data else: data = struct.pack( "{}{}".format(BIG_ENDIAN, self.format), self._pfp__value ) num_bytes = int(math.ceil(self.bitsize / 8.0)) bit_data = data[-num_bytes:] raw_bits = bitwrap.bytes_to_bits(bit_data) bits = raw_bits[-self.bitsize :] if stream is not None: self.bitfield_rw.write_bits( stream, bits, self.bitfield_padded, self.bitfield_left_right, self.endian, ) return len(bits) // 8 else: # TODO this can't be right.... return bits def _dom_class(self, obj1, obj2): """Return the dominating numeric class between the two :obj1: TODO :obj2: TODO :returns: TODO """ if isinstance(obj1, Double) or isinstance(obj2, Double): return Double if isinstance(obj1, Float) or isinstance(obj2, Float): return Float def __iadd__(self, other): root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value + root) return self def __isub__(self, other): root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value - root) return self def __imul__(self, other): self._pfp__value *= get_value(other) return self def __idiv__(self, other): self._pfp__value /= get_value(other) return self def __iand__(self, other): self._pfp__value &= get_value(other) return self def __ixor__(self, other): self._pfp__value ^= get_value(other) return self def __ior__(self, other): self._pfp__value |= get_value(other) return self def __ifloordiv__(self, other): self._pfp__value //= get_value(other) return self def __imod__(self, other): self._pfp__value %= get_value(other) return self def __ipow__(self, other): self._pfp__value **= get_value(other) return self def __ilshift__(self, other): self._pfp__value <<= get_value(other) return self def __irshift__(self, other): self._pfp__value >>= get_value(other) return self def __add__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value + get_value(other) ) return res def __sub__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value - get_value(other) ) return res def __mul__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value * get_value(other) ) return res def __truediv__(self, other): res = self.__class__() # if truediv is being called, then / should also behave like # truediv (2/3 == 0.6666 instead of 0 [classic division]) # the default in python 3 is truediv res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value / get_value(other) ) return res def __div__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value / get_value(other) ) return res def __and__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value & get_value(other) ) return res def __xor__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value ^ get_value(other) ) return res def __or__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value | get_value(other) ) return res def __floordiv__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value // get_value(other) ) return res def __mod__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value % get_value(other) ) return res def __pow__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value ** get_value(other) ) return res def __lshift__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value << get_value(other) ) return res def __rshift__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value >> get_value(other) ) return res def __invert__(self): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(~self._pfp__value) return res def __neg__(self): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(-self._pfp__value) return res def __getattr__(self, val): if val.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"): return getattr(self._pfp__value, val) raise AttributeError(val)
[docs]@inherit_hash class IntBase(NumberBase): """The base class for all integers""" signed = True def _pfp__maybe_promote(self, val1, val2): """Determine if val1 or val2 is larger - if one is larger, then the smaller will be promoted to the larger size. If val1 and val2 are the same size, val2 will be promoted to val1. :returns: tuple of new (maybe_promoted_val1, maybe_promoted_val2) """ w_val1 = get_width(val1) w_val2 = get_width(val2) if w_val1 > w_val2: res = (val1, val1._pfp__promote(val2)) elif w_val2 > w_val1: res = (val2._pfp__promote(val1), val2) else: res = (val1, val1._pfp__promote(val2)) return (get_value(res[0]), get_value(res[1])) # from # # Integer Conversion Rank # # Every integer type has an integer conversion rank that determines how conversions are performed. The ranking is based on the concept that each integer type contains at least as many bits as the types ranked below it. The following rules for determining integer conversion rank are defined in the C Standard, subclause [ISO/IEC 9899:2011]: # # No two signed integer types shall have the same rank, even if they have the same representation. # The rank of a signed integer type shall be greater than the rank of any signed integer type with less precision. # The rank of long long int shall be greater than the rank of long int, which shall be greater than the rank of int, which shall be greater than the rank of short int, which shall be greater than the rank of signed char. # The rank of any unsigned integer type shall equal the rank of the corresponding signed integer type, if any. # The rank of any standard integer type shall be greater than the rank of any extended integer type with the same width. # The rank of char shall equal the rank of signed char and unsigned char. # The rank of _Bool shall be less than the rank of all other standard integer types. # The rank of any enumerated type shall equal the rank of the compatible integer type. # The rank of any extended signed integer type relative to another extended signed integer type with the same precision is implementation-defined but still subject to the other rules for determining the integer conversion rank. # For all integer types T1, T2, and T3, if T1 has greater rank than T2 and T2 has greater rank than T3, then T1 has greater rank than T3. # The integer conversion rank is used in the usual arithmetic conversions to determine what conversions need to take place to support an operation on mixed integer types. # # Usual Arithmetic Conversions # # The usual arithmetic conversions are rules that provide a mechanism to yield a common type when both operands of a binary operator are balanced to a common type or the second and third operands of the conditional operator ( ? : ) are balanced to a common type. Conversions involve two operands of different types, and one or both operands may be converted. Many operators that accept arithmetic operands perform conversions using the usual arithmetic conversions. After integer promotions are performed on both operands, the following rules are applied to the promoted operands: # # If both operands have the same type, no further conversion is needed. # If both operands are of the same integer type (signed or unsigned), the operand with the type of lesser integer conversion rank is converted to the type of the operand with greater rank. # If the operand that has unsigned integer type has rank greater than or equal to the rank of the type of the other operand, the operand with signed integer type is converted to the type of the operand with unsigned integer type. # If the type of the operand with signed integer type can represent all of the values of the type of the operand with unsigned integer type, the operand with unsigned integer type is converted to the type of the operand with signed integer type. # Otherwise, both operands are converted to the unsigned integer type corresponding to the type of the operand with signed integer type. def _pfp__promote(self, val): """Promote the provided value to the current class """ if isinstance(val, IntBase): # will automatically convert correctly between ints of # different sizes, unsigned/signed, etc raw = val._pfp__build(ignore_bitfields=True) while len(raw) < self.width: if self.endian == BIG_ENDIAN: raw = b"\x00" + raw else: raw += b"\x00" while len(raw) > self.width: if self.endian == BIG_ENDIAN: raw = raw[1:] else: raw = raw[:-1] val = self._pfp__parse( six.BytesIO(raw), save_offset=False, set_val=False, ) else: mask = 1 << (8 * self.width) if self.signed: max_val = (mask // 2) - 1 min_val = -(mask // 2) else: max_val = mask - 1 min_val = 0 if val < min_val: val += -(min_val) val &= mask - 1 val -= -(min_val) elif val > max_val: val &= mask - 1 return val def _pfp__set_value(self, new_val): """Set the value, potentially converting an unsigned value to a signed one (and visa versa)""" if self._pfp__frozen: raise errors.UnmodifiableConst() promoted = self._pfp__promote(new_val) self._pfp__value = promoted return self._pfp__notify_parent() def __repr__(self): f = ":0{}x".format(self.width * 2) return ("{}({!r} [{" + f + "}]){}").format( self._pfp__cls_name(), self._pfp__value, self._pfp__value, ":{}".format(self.bitsize) if self.bitsize is not None else "", ) def _pfp__cls_name(self): """ """ return self.__class__.__name__ def __truediv__(self, other): """dividing ints should not return a float (python 3 true div behavior). So force floordiv """ return self // other def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare the Field to something else, either another Field or something else :other: Another Field instance or something else :returns: result of cmp() """ cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp(cmp_self, cmp_other) def __lt__(self, other): """Compare the Field to something else, either another Field or something else :other: The other field :returns: True if equal """ cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp_self < cmp_other def __le__(self, other): cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp_self <= cmp_other def __gt__(self, other): """Compare the Field to something else, either another Field or something else :other: The other field :returns: True if equal """ cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp_self > cmp_other def __ge__(self, other): cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp_self >= cmp_other def __ne__(self, other): cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp_self != cmp_other def __eq__(self, other): """See if the two items are equal (True/False) :other: :returns: """ cmp_self, cmp_other = self._pfp__maybe_promote(self, other) return cmp_self == cmp_other def __iadd__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value + root) return self def __isub__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value - root) return self def __imul__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value * root) return self def __idiv__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(int(self._pfp__value / root)) return self def __iand__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value & root) return self def __ixor__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value ^ root) return self def __ior__(self, other): other = self._pfp__promote(other) root = get_value(other) self._pfp__set_value(self._pfp__value | root) return self def __ifloordiv__(self, other): # will always be floordiv with IntBase numbers return self.__idiv__(self, other) def __imod__(self, other): # NOTE: We are not doing the same style of integer promotion here. # this current implementation matches the C implementation. # # See the test_imod function in self._pfp__value %= get_value(other) return self def __ipow__(self, other): self._pfp__value **= get_value(other) return self def __ilshift__(self, other): self._pfp__value <<= get_value(other) return self def __irshift__(self, other): self._pfp__value >>= get_value(other) return self def __add__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res += other return res def __sub__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res -= other return res def __mul__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res *= other return res def __truediv__(self, other): # no truediv for pfp fields - only classic division return self.__div__(other) def __div__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res.__idiv__(other) return res def __and__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res &= other return res def __xor__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res ^= other return res def __or__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(self) # takes care of promotion already res |= other return res def __floordiv__(self, other): return self.__div__(self, other) def __mod__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value % get_value(other) ) return res def __pow__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value ** get_value(other) ) return res def __lshift__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value << get_value(other) ) return res def __rshift__(self, other): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value( self._pfp__value >> get_value(other) ) return res def __invert__(self): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(~self._pfp__value) return res def __neg__(self): res = self.__class__() res._pfp__set_value(-self._pfp__value) return res
[docs]@inherit_hash class Char(IntBase): """A field representing a signed char""" width = 1 format = "b"
[docs]@inherit_hash class UChar(Char): """A field representing an unsigned char""" format = "B" signed = False
[docs]@inherit_hash class Short(IntBase): """A field representing a signed short""" width = 2 format = "h"
[docs]@inherit_hash class UShort(Short): """A field representing an unsigned short""" format = "H" signed = False
[docs]@inherit_hash class WChar(Short): """A field representing a signed wchar (aka short)""" pass
[docs]@inherit_hash class WUChar(UShort): """A field representing an unsigned wuchar (aka ushort)""" signed = False
[docs]@inherit_hash class Int(IntBase): """A field representing a signed int""" width = 4 format = "i"
[docs]@inherit_hash class UInt(Int): """A field representing an unsigned int""" format = "I" signed = False
[docs]@inherit_hash class Int64(IntBase): """A field representing a signed int64""" width = 8 format = "q"
[docs]@inherit_hash class UInt64(Int64): """A field representing an unsigned int64""" format = "Q" signed = False
[docs]@inherit_hash class Float(NumberBase): """A field representing a float""" width = 4 format = "f"
[docs]@inherit_hash class Double(NumberBase): """A field representing a double""" width = 8 format = "d"
[docs]@inherit_hash class Enum(IntBase): """The enum field class""" enum_vals = None enum_cls = None enum_name = None def __init__( self, stream=None, enum_cls=None, enum_vals=None, bitsize=None, metadata_processor=None, bitfield_rw=None, bitfield_padded=False, bitfield_left_right=False, ): """Init the enum """ self.enum_name = None if enum_vals is not None: self.enum_vals = enum_vals if enum_cls is not None: self.enum_cls = enum_cls self.endian = enum_cls.endian self.width = enum_cls.width self.format = enum_cls.format super(Enum, self).__init__( stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor, bitfield_rw=bitfield_rw, bitsize=bitsize, bitfield_padded=bitfield_padded, bitfield_left_right=bitfield_left_right, ) def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False, set_val=True): """Parse the IO stream for this enum :stream: An IO stream that can be read from :returns: The number of bytes parsed """ res = super(Enum, self)._pfp__parse(stream, save_offset, set_val=set_val) if self._pfp__value in self.enum_vals: self.enum_name = self.enum_vals[self._pfp__value] else: self.enum_name = "?? UNK_ENUM ??" return res def __repr__(self): """Add the enum name to the int representation """ res = super(Enum, self).__repr__() res += "({})".format(self.enum_name) return res def _pfp__cls_name(self): """ """ return "Enum<{}>".format(self.enum_cls.__name__)
# --------------------------------
[docs]@inherit_hash class Array(Field): """The array field""" width = -1 """The number of items of the array. ``len(array_field)`` also works""" raw_data = None """The raw data of the array. Note that this will only be set if the array's items are a core type (E.g. Int, Char, etc)""" field_cls = None """The class for items in the array""" implicit = False """If the array is an implicit array or not""" def __init__(self, width, field_cls, stream=None, metadata_processor=None): """ Create an array field of size "width" from the stream """ super(Array, self).__init__( stream=None, metadata_processor=metadata_processor ) self.width = width self.field_cls = field_cls self.items = [] self.raw_data = None self.implicit = False self._pfp__snapshot_raw_stack = [] if stream is not None: self._pfp__parse(stream, save_offset=True) else: if width is not None: for x in six.moves.range(self.width): self.items.append(self.field_cls()) def _pfp__snapshot(self, recurse=True): """Save off the current value of the field """ super(Array, self)._pfp__snapshot(recurse=recurse) self._pfp__snapshot_raw_stack.append(self.raw_data) if recurse: for item in self.items: item._pfp__snapshot(recurse=recurse) def _pfp__restore_snapshot(self, recurse=True): """Restore the snapshotted value without triggering any events """ super(Array, self)._pfp__restore_snapshot(recurse=recurse) self.raw_data = self._pfp__snapshot_raw_stack.pop() if recurse: for item in self.items: item._pfp__restore_snapshot(recurse=recurse) def append(self, item): # TODO check for consistent type item._pfp__parent = self self.items.append(item) self.width = len(self.items) def is_stringable(self): # TODO WChar return self.field_cls in [Char, UChar] def _array_to_str(self, max_len=-1): if not self.is_stringable(): return None if self.raw_data is not None: if max_len != -1: return PYSTR(self.raw_data)[:max_len] return self.raw_data res = "" for item in self.items: if max_len != -1 and len(res) >= max_len: break # null-terminate string if PYVAL(item) == 0: break # TODO WChar res += chr(PYVAL(item)) return res def __eq__(self, other): if self.is_stringable() and other.__class__ in [String, WString, str, bytes]: res = self._array_to_str() return utils.binary(res) == utils.binary(PYSTR(other)) else: raise Exception("TODO") def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _pfp__set_value(self, value): is_string_type = False if isinstance(value, String): is_string_type = True value = value._pfp__build() else: for string_type in list(six.string_types) + [bytes]: if isinstance(value, string_type): is_string_type = True break if is_string_type and self.is_stringable(): self.raw_data = value self.width = len(value) return self._pfp__notify_parent() if value.__class__ not in [list, tuple]: raise Exception("Error, invalid value for array") # this shouldn't be enforced # e.g. # local uchar[16] = {0}; # where the first item should be 0 # # if len(value) != PYVAL(self.width): # raise Exception("Array was declared as having {} items, not {} items".format( # PYVAL(self.width), # len(value) # )) if len(value) > len(self.items): self.items.extend([None] * (len(value) - len(self.items))) for idx, item in enumerate(value): if not isinstance(item, Field): new_item = self.field_cls() new_item._pfp__set_value(item) item = new_item self.items[idx] = item self.width = len(self.items) # see #54 - make sure raw_data is set to None if overwriting with # a new array/list/set/tuple self.raw_data = None return self._pfp__notify_parent() def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False): start_offset = stream.tell() if save_offset: self._pfp__offset = start_offset if self.width is None: return # will always be known widths for these field types if issubclass(self.field_cls, NumberBase): length = self.field_cls.width * PYVAL(self.width) self.raw_data = if self._pfp__can_unpack(): self._pfp__unpack_data(self.raw_data) else: # optimizations... should reuse existing fields?? self.items = [] for x in six.moves.range(PYVAL(self.width)): field = self.field_cls(stream) field._pfp__name = "{}[{}]".format(self._pfp__name, x) # field._pfp__parse(stream, save_offset) self.items.append(field) if self._pfp__can_unpack(): curr_offset = stream.tell(), 0) data = - start_offset) # this shouldn't be necessary.... #, 0) self._pfp__unpack_data(data) def _pfp__build(self, stream=None, save_offset=False): if stream is not None and save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() if self.raw_data is None: res = 0 if stream is not None else utils.binary("") for item in self.items: res += item._pfp__build(stream=stream, save_offset=save_offset) else: if stream is None: return self.raw_data else: stream.write(self.raw_data) return len(self.raw_data) return res def _pfp__handle_updated(self, watched_field): if ( self.raw_data is not None and watched_field._pfp__name is not None and watched_field._pfp__name.startswith(self._pfp__name) and watched_field._pfp__array_idx is not None ): data = watched_field._pfp__build() offset = watched_field.width * watched_field._pfp__array_idx self.raw_data = ( self.raw_data[0:offset] + data + self.raw_data[offset + len(data) :] ) else: super(Array, self)._pfp__handle_updated(watched_field) def __getitem__(self, idx): if self.raw_data is None: return self.items[idx] else: if self.width < 0 or idx + 1 > self.width: raise IndexError(idx) width = self.field_cls.width offset = width * idx data = self.raw_data[offset : offset + width] stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(six.BytesIO(data)) res = self.field_cls(stream) res._pfp__watch(self) res._pfp__parent = self res._pfp__array_idx = idx res._pfp__name = "{}[{}]".format(self._pfp__name, idx) return res def __setitem__(self, idx, value): if isinstance(value, Field): if self.raw_data is None: self.items[idx] = value else: if self.width < 0 or idx + 1 > self.width: raise IndexError(idx) data = value._pfp__build() offset = self.field_cls.width * idx self.raw_data = ( self.raw_data[0:offset] + data + self.raw_data[offset + self.field_cls.width :] ) else: self[idx]._pfp__set_value(value) self._pfp__notify_update(self) def __repr__(self): other = "" if self.is_stringable(): res = self._array_to_str(20) other = " ({!r})".format(res) return "{}[{}]{}".format( self.field_cls.__name__ if type(self.field_cls) is type else self.field_cls._typedef_name, PYVAL(self.width), other, ) def _pfp__show(self, level=0, include_offset=False): if self.is_stringable(): res = self.__repr__() if self._ is not None: packed_show = self._._pfp__show( level=level + 1, include_offset=False ) res += "\n" + (" " * (level + 1)) + "_ = " + packed_show return res res = [self.__repr__()] for idx, item in enumerate(self.items): item_res = "{}{}{}[{}] = {}".format( " " * (level + 1), "{:04x} ".format(item._pfp__offset) if include_offset else "", self._pfp__name, idx, item._pfp__show(level + 2, include_offset), ) res.append(item_res) return "\n".join(res) def __len__(self): if self.raw_data is not None: return int(len(self.raw_data) / self.field_cls.width) else: return len(self.items) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over all items in this array """ return self.items.__iter__()
[docs]@inherit_hash class String(Field): """A null-terminated string. String fields should be interchangeable with char arrays""" # if the width is -1 when parse is called, read until null # termination. width = -1 read_size = 1 terminator = utils.binary("\x00") def __init__(self, stream=None, metadata_processor=None): self._pfp__value = utils.binary("") super(String, self).__init__( stream=stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor ) def _pfp__set_value(self, new_val): """Set the value of the String, taking into account escaping and such as well """ if not isinstance(new_val, Field): new_val = utils.binary(new_val) return super(String, self)._pfp__set_value(new_val) def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False): """Read from the stream until the string is null-terminated :stream: The input stream :returns: None """ if save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() res = utils.binary("") while True: byte = utils.binary( if len(byte) < self.read_size: raise errors.PrematureEOF() # note that the null terminator must be added back when # built again! if byte == self.terminator: break res += byte self._pfp__value = res def _pfp__build(self, stream=None, save_offset=False): """Build the String field :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ if stream is not None and save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() data = self._pfp__value + utils.binary("\x00") if stream is None: return data else: stream.write(data) return len(data) def __getitem__(self, idx): if idx < 0 or idx + 1 > len(self._pfp__value): raise IndexError(idx) val = self._pfp__value[idx : idx + 1] stream = six.BytesIO(val) res = Char(stream) return res def __setitem__(self, idx, val): if idx < 0 or idx + 1 > len(self._pfp__value): raise IndexError(idx) if isinstance(val, Field): val = val._pfp__build()[-1:] elif isinstance(val, int): val = utils.binary(chr(val)) self._pfp__value = ( self._pfp__value[0:idx] + val + self._pfp__value[idx + 1 :] ) def __add__(self, other): """Add two strings together. If other is not a String instance, a fields.String instance will still be returned :other: TODO :returns: TODO """ res_field = String() res = utils.binary("") if isinstance(other, String): res = self._pfp__value + other._pfp__value else: res = self._pfp__value + utils.binary(PYSTR(other)) res_field._pfp__set_value(res) return res_field def __iadd__(self, other): """In-place addition to this String field :other: TODO :returns: TODO """ if isinstance(other, String): self._pfp__value += other._pfp__value else: self._pfp__value += PYSTR(other) return self def __len__(self): return len(self._pfp__value)
[docs]@inherit_hash class WString(String): width = -1 read_size = 2 terminator = utils.binary("\x00\x00") def _pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset=False): String._pfp__parse(self, stream, save_offset) self._pfp__value = utils.binary(self._pfp__value.decode("utf-16le")) def _pfp__build(self, stream=None, save_offset=False): if stream is not None and save_offset: self._pfp__offset = stream.tell() val = ( self._pfp__value.decode("ISO-8859-1").encode("utf-16le") + b"\x00\x00" ) if stream is None: return val else: stream.write(val) return len(val)