Source code for pfp.fuzz

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains the base classes used
when defining mutation strategies for pfp

import contextlib
import glob
import os
import six

from pfp.fields import BitfieldRW, NumberBase
from pfp.bitwrap import BitwrappedStream
from pfp.utils import timeit

get_strategy = None
StratGroup = None
FieldStrat = None

[docs]class Changer(object): """ """ def __init__(self, orig_data): self._orig_data = bytearray(orig_data) self._change_set_stack = []
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def change(self, field_set): """Intended to be used with a ``with`` block. Takes care of pushing and popping the changes, yields the modified data. """ self.push_changes(field_set) try: modified_data = yield modified_data finally: self.pop_changes()
[docs] def push_changes(self, field_set): """Push a new changeset onto the changeset stack for the provided set of fields. """ new_change_set = [] new_data = [] for field in field_set: offset = field._pfp__offset if isinstance(field, NumberBase) and field.bitsize is not None: new_data = self._handle_bitfield(field) else: new_data = field._pfp__build() new_change_set.append((offset, new_data)) self._change_set_stack.append(new_change_set)
[docs] def pop_changes(self): """Return a version of the original data after popping the latest """ self._change_set_stack.pop()
[docs] def build(self): """Apply all changesets to the original data """ new_data = bytearray(self._orig_data) for change_set in self._change_set_stack: for offset, new_field_data in change_set: new_data[offset:offset+len(new_field_data)] = new_field_data return new_data
def _handle_bitfield(self, field): """Find the field's first evenly-aligned previous sibling that is also a bitfield, as well as all subsequent siblings until a full bit "class" is reached. Build the entire set of bitfields as a group. E.g.: ushort a:1; ushort b:3; ushort c:10; ushort d:2; This entire group should be built """ total_bits = field.width * 8; bit_offset = lambda x: total_bits - x._pfp__offset_bits fields_to_build = [] curr_field = field._pfp__prev_sibling # previous siblings while curr_field is not None and bit_offset(curr_field) >= 0: fields_to_build.append(curr_field) curr_field = curr_field._pfp__prev_sibling fields_to_build = list(reversed(fields_to_build)) fields_to_build.append(field) # next siblings curr_field = field._pfp__next_sibling while (curr_field is not None and isinstance(curr_field, field.__class__) and curr_field.bitsize is not None): if bit_offset(curr_field) + curr_field.bitsize > total_bits: break fields_to_build.append(curr_field) curr_field = curr_field._pfp__next_sibling core_stream = six.BytesIO(b"") bit_stream = BitwrappedStream(core_stream) bitfield_rw = BitfieldRW(None, field.__class__) bitfield_rw.reserved_bits = field.bitfield_rw.reserved_bits for to_build in fields_to_build: old_bitfield_rw = to_build.bitfield_rw to_build.bitfield_rw = bitfield_rw to_build._pfp__build(bit_stream) to_build.bitfield_rw = old_bitfield_rw return core_stream.getvalue()
def init(): global get_strategy global StratGroup global FieldStrat import pfp.fuzz.strats get_strategy = pfp.fuzz.strats.get_strategy StratGroup = pfp.fuzz.strats.StratGroup FieldStrat = pfp.fuzz.strats.FieldStrat # load all of the built-in strategies for strat_file in glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "*.py") ): filename = os.path.basename(strat_file) if filename in ["", ""]: continue mod_name = filename.replace(".py", "").replace(".pyc", "") __import__("pfp.fuzz." + mod_name)
[docs]def changeset_mutate(field, strat_name_or_cls, num=100, at_once=1, yield_changed=False, fields_to_modify=None, base_data=None): """Mutate the provided field (probably a Dom or struct instance) using the strategy specified with ``strat_name_or_class``, yielding ``num`` mutations that affect up to ``at_once`` fields at once. This function will yield back the field after each mutation, optionally also yielding a ``set`` of fields that were mutated in that iteration (if ``yield_changed`` is ``True``). It should also be noted that the yielded set of changed fields *can* be modified and is no longer needed by the mutate() function. :param pfp.fields.Field field: The field to mutate (can be anything, not just Dom/Structs) :param strat_name_or_class: Can be the name of a strategy, or the actual strategy class (not an instance) :param int num: The number of mutations to yield :param int at_once: The number of fields to mutate at once :param bool yield_changed: Yield a list of fields changed along with the mutated dom :param bool use_changesets: If a performance optimization should be used that builds the full output once, and then replaced only the changed fields, including watchers, etc. **NOTE** this does not yet work fully with packed structures ( :returns: generator """ import pfp.fuzz.rand as rand init() strat = get_strategy(strat_name_or_cls) if fields_to_modify is not None: to_mutate = fields_to_modify else: to_mutate = strat.which(field) with_strats = [] for to_mutate_field in to_mutate: field_strat = strat.get_field_strat(to_mutate_field) if field_strat is not None: with_strats.append((to_mutate_field, field_strat)) # we don't need these ones anymore del to_mutate # build it once at the beginning if base_data is not None: changer = Changer(base_data) else: changer = Changer(field._pfp__build()) count = 0 for x in six.moves.range(num): try: idx_pool = set([x for x in six.moves.xrange(len(with_strats))]) modified_fields = [] # modify `at_once` number of fields OR len(with_strats) number of fields, # whichever is lower count = 0 for at_onces in six.moves.xrange(min(len(with_strats), at_once)): count += 1 # we'll never pull the same idx from idx_pool more than once # since we're removing the idx after choosing it rand_idx = rand.sample(idx_pool, 1)[0] idx_pool.remove(rand_idx) rand_field, field_strat = with_strats[rand_idx] rand_field._pfp__snapshot() mutated_fields = field_strat.mutate(rand_field) modified_fields.append(rand_field) modified_fields += mutated_fields with changer.change(modified_fields) as modified_data: if yield_changed: yield modified_data, modified_fields else: yield modified_data finally: for rand_field in modified_fields: rand_field._pfp__restore_snapshot()
[docs]def mutate(field, strat_name_or_cls, num=100, at_once=1, yield_changed=False): """Mutate the provided field (probably a Dom or struct instance) using the strategy specified with ``strat_name_or_class``, yielding ``num`` mutations that affect up to ``at_once`` fields at once. This function will yield back the field after each mutation, optionally also yielding a ``set`` of fields that were mutated in that iteration (if ``yield_changed`` is ``True``). It should also be noted that the yielded set of changed fields *can* be modified and is no longer needed by the mutate() function. :param pfp.fields.Field field: The field to mutate (can be anything, not just Dom/Structs) :param strat_name_or_class: Can be the name of a strategy, or the actual strategy class (not an instance) :param int num: The number of mutations to yield :param int at_once: The number of fields to mutate at once :param bool yield_changed: Yield a list of fields changed along with the mutated dom :returns: generator """ import pfp.fuzz.rand as rand init() strat = get_strategy(strat_name_or_cls) to_mutate = strat.which(field) with_strats = [] for to_mutate_field in to_mutate: field_strat = strat.get_field_strat(to_mutate_field) if field_strat is not None: with_strats.append((to_mutate_field, field_strat)) # we don't need these ones anymore del to_mutate count = 0 for x in six.moves.range(num): # save the current value of all subfields without # triggering events field._pfp__snapshot(recurse=True) try: chosen_fields = set() idx_pool = set([x for x in six.moves.xrange(len(with_strats))]) # modify `at_once` number of fields OR len(with_strats) number of fields, # whichever is lower for at_onces in six.moves.xrange(min(len(with_strats), at_once)): # we'll never pull the same idx from idx_pool more than once # since we're removing the idx after choosing it rand_idx = rand.sample(idx_pool, 1)[0] idx_pool.remove(rand_idx) rand_field, field_strat = with_strats[rand_idx] chosen_fields.add(rand_field) field_strat.mutate(rand_field) if yield_changed: yield field, chosen_fields else: # yield back the original field yield field finally: # restore the saved value of all subfields without # triggering events field._pfp__restore_snapshot(recurse=True)