Source code for pfp.fuzz.strats

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains the base classes used
when defining fuzzing strategies for pfp

# system imports
import glob
import os
import six

# local imports
import pfp.fields
import pfp.errors

[docs]class MutationError(pfp.errors.PfpError): pass
STRATS = {} """Stores information on registered StatGroups"""
[docs]def get_strategy(name_or_cls): """Return the strategy identified by its name. If ``name_or_class`` is a class, it will be simply returned. """ if isinstance(name_or_cls, six.string_types): if name_or_cls not in STRATS: raise MutationError("strat is not defined") return STRATS[name_or_cls]() return name_or_cls()
[docs]class StratGroupMeta(type): """A metaclass for StratGroups that tracks subclasses of the StatGroup class. """ def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): global STRATS if is None and cls.__name__ != "StratGroup": raise MutationError( "Subclasses of StratGroup must specify a name for the group" ) STRATS[] = cls super(StratGroupMeta, cls).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(StratGroupMeta) class StratGroup(object): """StatGroups choose which sub-fields should be mutated, and which FieldStrat should be used to do the mutating. The ``filter_fields`` method is intended to be overridden to provide custom filtering of child leaf fields should be mutated. """ name = None """The unique name of the fuzzing strategy group. Can be used as the ``strat_name_or_cls`` parameter to the :any:`pfp.fuzz.mutate() <pfp.fuzz.mutate>` function """ def __init__(self): self._strats = {} # make a mapping for quick lookups for member in dir(self): val = getattr(self, member) if type(val) == type and issubclass(val, FieldStrat): field_strat = val() if isinstance(field_strat.klass, (tuple, list)): klasses = field_strat.klass else: klasses = [field_strat.klass] for klass in klasses: self._strats[klass] = field_strat if hasattr(klass, "__name__"): self._strats[klass.__name__] = field_strat
[docs] def get_field_strat(self, field): """Return the strategy defined for the field. :field: The field :returns: The FieldStrat for the field or None """ # this will work for exact matches if the class itself is referenced val = self._strats.get(field.__class__, None) if val is not None: return val # this will work for string names of classes val = self._strats.get(field.__class__.__name__, None) if val is not None: return val # now this will work for subclasses for k, v in six.iteritems(self._strats): # only check subclasses for class keys if type(k) is type and isinstance(field, k): return v return None
[docs] def which(self, field): """Return a list of leaf fields that should be mutated. If the field passed in is a leaf field, it will be returned in a list. """ try: if ( not isinstance(field, (pfp.fields.Struct, pfp.fields.Array)) and field._ is None ): return [field] except Exception as e: print(field) print(field.__class__) iter_fields = [] # packed fields need to be checked first! Otherwise it may be a char array # and the list of field.items will be returned if field._ is not None: iter_fields = field._._pfp__children elif isinstance(field, pfp.fields.Struct): iter_fields = field._pfp__children elif isinstance(field, pfp.fields.Array): if field.raw_data is not None: return [field] else: iter_fields = field.items res = [] for subfield in iter_fields: res += self.which(subfield) res = self.filter_fields(res) return res
[docs] def filter_fields(self, field_list): """Intented to be overridden. Should return a list of fields to be mutated. :field_list: The list of fields to filter """ return field_list
[docs]class FieldStrat(object): """A FieldStrat is used to define a fuzzing strategy for a specific field (or list of fields). A list of choices can be defined, or a set or probabilities that will yield """ choices = None """An enumerable of new value choices to choose from when mutating. This can also be a function/callable that returns an enumerable of choices. If it is a callable, the currently-being-fuzzed field will be passed in as a parameter. """ prob = None """An enumerable of probabilities used to choose from when mutating E.g.:: [ (0.50, 0xffff), # 50% of the time it should be the value 0xffff (0.25, xrange(0, 0x100)), # 25% of the time it should be in the range [0, 0x100) (0.20, [0, 0xff, 0x100]), # 20% of the time it should be on of 0, 0xff, or 0x100 (0.05, {"min": 0, "max": 0x1000}), # 5% of the time, generate a number in [min, max) ] NOTE that the percentages need to add up to 100. This can also be a function/callable that returns an probabilities list. If it is a callable, the currently-being-fuzzed field will be passed in as a parameter. """ klass = None """The class this strategy should be applied to. Can be a pfp.fields.field class (or subclass) or a string of the class name. Note that strings for the class name will only apply to direct instances of that class and not instances of subclasses. Can also be a list of classes or class names. """
[docs] def mutate(self, field): """Mutate the given field, modifying it directly. This is not intended to preserve the value of the field. :field: The pfp.fields.Field instance that will receive the new value """ new_val = self.next_val(field) return field._pfp__set_value(new_val)
[docs] def next_val(self, field): """Return a new value to mutate a field with. Do not modify the field directly in this function. Override the ``mutate()`` function if that is needed (the field is only passed into this function as a reference). :field: The pfp.fields.Field instance that will receive the new value. Passed in for reference only. :returns: The next value for the field """ import pfp.fuzz.rand as rand if self.choices is not None: choices = self._resolve_member_val(self.choices, field) new_val = rand.choice(choices) return self._resolve_val(new_val) elif self.prob is not None: prob = self._resolve_member_val(self.prob, field) rand_val = rand.random() curr_total = 0.0 # iterate through each of the probability choices until # we reach one that matches the current rand_val for prob_percent, prob_val in prob: if rand_val <= curr_total + prob_percent: return self._resolve_val(prob_val) curr_total += prob_percent raise MutationError( "probabilities did not add up to 100%! {}".format( [str(x[0]) + " - " + str(x[1])[:10] for x in prob] ) )
# ----------------- # utility functions def _resolve_member_val(self, mval, field): if hasattr(mval, "__call__"): return mval(field) else: return mval def _resolve_val(self, val): import pfp.fuzz.rand as rand if hasattr(val, "__call__"): return val() elif isinstance(val, dict) and "min" in val and "max" in val: return rand.randint(val["min"], val["max"]) elif hasattr(val, "__iter__"): return rand.choice(val) else: return val