Source code for pfp.interp

#!/usr/bin/env python

Python format parser

import collections
import copy
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import six
import sys
import traceback

import py010parser
import py010parser.c_parser
from py010parser import c_ast as AST

import pfp
import pfp.bitwrap as bitwrap
import pfp.errors as errors
import pfp.fields as fields
import pfp.functions as functions
import pfp.native as native
import pfp.utils as utils


class Decls(object):
    def __init__(self, decls, coord):
        self.decls = decls
        self.coord = coord

class UnionDecls(Decls):

class StructDecls(Decls):

def StructDeclWithParams(scope, struct_cls, struct_args):
    def _pfp__init(self, stream):
        for param in self._pfp__node.args.params:
            param.is_func_param = True

        params = self._pfp__interp._handle_node(
            self._pfp__node.args, scope, self, None
        param_list = params.instantiate(scope, struct_args, self._pfp__interp)

        if hasattr(super(self.__class__, self), "_pfp__init"):
            super(self.__class__, self)._pfp__init(stream)

    new_class = type(
        struct_cls.__name__ + "_", (struct_cls,), {"_pfp__init": _pfp__init}
    return new_class

[docs]def StructUnionTypeRef(curr_scope, typedef_name, refd_name, interp, node): """Create a typedef that resolves itself dynamically. This is needed in situations like: .. code-block:: c struct MY_STRUCT { char magic[4]; unsigned int filesize; }; typedef struct MY_STRUCT ME; LittleEndian(); ME s; The typedef ``ME`` is handled before the ``MY_STRUCT`` declaration actually occurs. The typedef value for ``ME`` should not the empty struct that is resolved, but should be a dynamically-looked up struct definition when a ``ME`` instance is actually declared. """ if isinstance(node, AST.Struct): cls = fields.Struct elif isinstance(node, AST.Union): cls = fields.Union def __new__(cls_, *args, **kwargs): refd_type = curr_scope.get_type(refd_name) if refd_type is None: refd_node = node else: refd_node = refd_type._pfp__node def merged_init(self, stream): if six.PY3: cls_._pfp__init(self, stream) else: cls_._pfp__init.__func__(self, stream) self._pfp__init_orig(stream) overrides = {} if hasattr(cls_, "_pfp__init"): overrides["_pfp__init"] = merged_init res = base_cls = StructUnionDef( typedef_name, interp, refd_node, overrides=overrides, ) return res(*args, **kwargs) new_class = type( typedef_name, (cls,), { "__new__": __new__, }, ) return new_class
def StructUnionDef(typedef_name, interp, node, overrides=None, cls=None): if overrides is None: overrides = {} if isinstance(node, AST.Struct): if cls is None: cls = fields.Struct decls = StructDecls(node.decls, node.coord) elif isinstance(node, AST.Union): if cls is None: cls = fields.Union decls = UnionDecls(node.decls, node.coord) # this is so that we can have all nested structs added to # the root DOM, even if there's an error in parsing the data. # If we didn't do this, any errors parsing the data would cause # the new struct to not be added to its parent, and the user would # not be able to see how far the script got def __init__(self, stream=None, metadata_processor=None, do_init=True): cls.__init__( self, stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor, ) if do_init: self._pfp__init(stream) def _pfp__init(self, stream): self._pfp__interp._handle_node(decls, ctxt=self, stream=stream) cls_members = { "__init__": __init__, "_pfp__init": _pfp__init, "_pfp__node": node, "_pfp__interp": interp, } for k, v in six.iteritems(overrides or {}): if k in cls_members: cls_members[k + "_orig"] = cls_members[k] cls_members[k] = v new_class = type( typedef_name, (cls,), cls_members, ) return new_class def EnumDef(typedef_name, base_cls, enum_vals): new_class = type( typedef_name, (fields.Enum,), { "signed": base_cls.signed, "width": base_cls.width, "endian": base_cls.endian, "format": base_cls.format, "enum_vals": enum_vals, "enum_cls": base_cls, }, ) return new_class def ArrayDecl(item_cls, item_count): width = fields.PYVAL(item_count) def __init__(self, stream=None, metadata_processor=None): fields.Array.__init__( self, self.width, self.field_cls, stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor, ) new_class = type( "Array_{}_{}".format(item_cls.__name__, width), (fields.Array,), {"__init__": __init__, "width": width, "field_cls": item_cls}, ) return new_class
[docs]def LazyField(lookup_name, scope): """Super non-standard stuff here. Dynamically changing the base class using the scope and the lazy name when the class is instantiated. This works as long as the original base class is not directly inheriting from object (which we're not, since our original base class is fields.Field). """ def __init__(self, stream=None): base_cls = self._pfp__scope.get_id(self._pfp__lazy_name) self.__class__.__bases__ = (base_cls,) base_cls.__init__(self, stream) new_class = type( lookup_name + "_lazy", (fields.Field,), { "__init__": __init__, "_pfp__scope": scope, "_pfp__lazy_name": lookup_name, }, ) return new_class
# class StructUnionDef(object): # # """A class used to instantiate structs/unions as # needed (used for typedefs)""" # # def __init__(self, interp, node): # """Save the interpreter and the node so that when # this instance is called (will act like instantiation), # the interpreter is just told to handle the node # # :interp: The interpreter # :node: The node to interpret upon instantiation # :stream: The stream that data will be parsed from # """ # self._interp = interp # self._node = node # self._typedef_name = node._pfp__typedef_name # # def __call__(self, stream=None): # """Create an instance of the struct/union # # :stream: The stream that data will be parsed from # :returns: A struct or union instance # """ # # TODO stream should be optional to act like other fields classes # res = self._interp._handle_node(self._node, stream=stream) # res._pfp__typedef_name = self._typedef_name # # UGH TODO HACK HACK HACK!!! stupid # res._pfp__class = self # return res class DebugLogger(object): def __init__(self, active=False): self._log = logging.getLogger("") self._indent = 0 self._active = active if self._active: self._log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def debug(self, prefix, msg, indent_change=0, filename=None, coord=None): if not self._active: return self._indent += indent_change if coord is not None and filename: prefix += ":{}:{}".format(filename, coord.line) self._log.debug( "\n".join( prefix + ": " + " " * self._indent + line for line in msg.split("\n") ) ) def inc(self): self._indent += 1 def dec(self): self._indent -= 1 class NullStream(object): def __init__(self): self._pos = 0 def read(self, num): return utils.binary("\x00" * num) def write(self, data): pass def close(self): pass def seek(self, pos, seek_type=0): if seek_type == 0: self._pos = pos elif seek_type == 1: self._pos += pos elif seek_type == 2: # we never use this anyways pass def tell(self): return self._pos
[docs]class PfpTypes(object): """A class to hold all typedefd types in a template. Note that types are instantiated by having them parse a null-stream. This means that type creation will not work correctly for complicated structs that have internal control-flow""" _interp = None _scope = None _types_map = None _null_stream = None def __init__(self, interp, scope): """Init the ``PfpTypes`` class :param pfp.interp.PfpInterp interp: The pfp interpreter :param pfp.interp.Scope scope: The scope to pull all the types from """ self._interp = interp self._scope = scope self._null_stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(NullStream()) self._types_map = {} for scope_ctxt in self._scope._scope_stack: for type_name, type_cls in six.iteritems(scope_ctxt["types"]): if isinstance(type_cls, list): type_cls = self._interp._resolve_to_field_class( type_cls, self._scope ) self._types_map[type_name] = type_cls def _wrap_type_instantiation(self, type_cls): """Wrap the creation of the type so that we can provide a null-stream to initialize it""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # use args for struct arguments?? return type_cls(stream=self._null_stream) return wrapper def __getattr__(self, attr_name): if attr_name in self._types_map: return self._wrap_type_instantiation(self._types_map[attr_name]) else: # let this raise any errors return super(self.__class__, self).__getattribute__(attr_name) def __getitem__(self, attr_name): if attr_name in self._types_map: return self._wrap_type_instantiation(self._types_map[attr_name]) else: raise KeyError(attr_name)
[docs]class Scope(object): """A class to keep track of the current scope of the interpreter""" def __init__(self, logger, parent=None): super(Scope, self).__init__() self._log = logger self._parent = parent self._scope_stack = [] self.push()
[docs] def level(self): """Return the current scope level """ res = len(self._scope_stack) if self._parent is not None: res += self._parent.level() return res
[docs] def push(self, new_scope=None): """Create a new scope :returns: TODO """ if new_scope is None: new_scope = {"types": {}, "vars": {}, "meta": {}} self._curr_scope = new_scope self._dlog("pushing new scope, scope level = {}".format(self.level())) self._scope_stack.append(self._curr_scope)
[docs] def clone(self): """Return a new Scope object that has the curr_scope pinned at the current one :returns: A new scope object """ self._dlog("cloning the stack") # TODO is this really necessary to create a brand new one? # I think it is... need to think about it more. # or... are we going to need ref counters and a global # scope object that allows a view into (or a snapshot of) # a specific scope stack? res = Scope(self._log) res._scope_stack = self._scope_stack res._curr_scope = self._curr_scope return res
[docs] def pop(self): """Leave the current scope :returns: TODO """ res = self._scope_stack.pop() self._dlog("popping scope, scope level = {}".format(self.level())) self._curr_scope = self._scope_stack[-1] return res
[docs] def clear_meta(self): """Clear metadata about the current statement """ self._curr_scope["meta"] = {}
[docs] def push_meta(self, meta_name, meta_value): """Push metadata about the current statement onto the metadata stack for the current statement. Mostly used for tracking integer promotion and casting types """ self._dlog("adding metadata '{}'".format(meta_name)) self._curr_scope["meta"].setdefault(meta_name, []).append(meta_value)
[docs] def get_meta(self, meta_name): """Get the current meta value named ``meta_name`` """ self._dlog("getting metadata '{}'".format(meta_name)) return self._curr_scope["meta"].get(meta_name, [None])[-1]
[docs] def pop_meta(self, name): """Pop metadata about the current statement from the metadata stack for the current statement. :name: The name of the metadata """ self._dlog("getting meta '{}'".format(name)) return self._curr_scope["meta"][name].pop()
[docs] def add_var(self, field_name, field, root=False): """Add a var to the current scope (vars are fields that parse the input stream) :field_name: TODO :field: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("adding var '{}' (root={})".format(field_name, root)) # do both so it's not clobbered by intermediate values of the same name if root: self._scope_stack[0]["vars"][field_name] = field # TODO do we allow clobbering of vars??? self._curr_scope["vars"][field_name] = field
[docs] def get_var(self, name, recurse=True): """Return the first var of name ``name`` in the current scope stack (remember, vars are the ones that parse the input stream) :name: The name of the id :recurse: Whether parent scopes should also be searched (defaults to True) :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("getting var '{}'".format(name)) return self._search("vars", name, recurse)
[docs] def add_local(self, field_name, field): """Add a local variable in the current scope :field_name: The field's name :field: The field :returns: None """ self._dlog("adding local '{}'".format(field_name)) field._pfp__name = field_name # TODO do we allow clobbering of locals??? self._curr_scope["vars"][field_name] = field
[docs] def get_local(self, name, recurse=True): """Get the local field (search for it) from the scope stack. An alias for ``get_var`` :name: The name of the local field """ self._dlog("getting local '{}'".format(name)) return self._search("vars", name, recurse)
[docs] def add_type_class(self, name, cls): """Store the class with the name """ self._curr_scope["types"][name] = cls
[docs] def add_refd_struct_or_union(self, name, refd_name, interp, node): """Add a lazily-looked up typedef struct or union :name: name of the typedefd struct/union :node: the typedef node :interp: the 010 interpreter """ self.add_type_class(name, StructUnionTypeRef(self, name, refd_name, interp, node))
[docs] def add_type_struct_or_union(self, name, interp, node): """Store the node with the name. When it is instantiated, the node itself will be handled. :name: name of the typedefd struct/union :node: the union/struct node :interp: the 010 interpreter """ self.add_type_class(name, StructUnionDef(name, interp, node))
[docs] def add_type(self, new_name, orig_names): """Record the typedefd name for orig_names. Resolve orig_names to their core names and save those. :new_name: TODO :orig_names: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("adding a type '{}'".format(new_name)) # TODO do we allow clobbering of types??? res = copy.copy(orig_names) resolved_names = self._resolve_name(res[-1]) if resolved_names is not None: res.pop() res += resolved_names self._curr_scope["types"][new_name] = res
[docs] def get_type(self, name, recurse=True): """Get the names for the typename (created by typedef) :name: The typedef'd name to resolve :returns: An array of resolved names associated with the typedef'd name """ self._dlog("getting type '{}'".format(name)) return self._search("types", name, recurse)
[docs] def get_id(self, name, recurse=True): """Get the first id matching ``name``. Will either be a local or a var. :name: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("getting id '{}'".format(name)) var = self._search("vars", name, recurse) return var
# ------------------ # PRIVATE # ------------------ def _dlog(self, msg): self._log.debug(" scope({:08x})".format(id(self)), msg) def _resolve_name(self, name): """TODO: Docstring for _resolve_names. :name: TODO :returns: TODO """ res = [name] while True: orig_names = self._search("types", name) if orig_names is not None: name = orig_names[-1] # pop off the typedefd name res.pop() # add back on the original names res += orig_names else: break return res def _search(self, category, name, recurse=True): """Search the scope stack for the name in the specified category (types/locals/vars). :category: the category to search in (locals/types/vars) :name: name to search for :returns: None if not found, the result of the found local/type/id """ idx = len(self._scope_stack) - 1 curr = self._curr_scope for scope in reversed(self._scope_stack): res = scope[category].get(name, None) if res is not None: return res if recurse and self._parent is not None: return self._parent._search(category, name, recurse) return None
# def __getattr__ # def __setattr__
[docs]class PfpInterp(object): """ """ BITFIELD_DIR_LEFT_RIGHT = -1 BITFIELD_DIR_DEFAULT = 0 BITFIELD_DIR_RIGHT_LEFT = 1 # do not break (execute until finished) BREAK_NONE = 0 # break on the next instruction on the same level BREAK_OVER = 1 # break on the next instruction regardless of level BREAK_INTO = 2 _natives = {} _predefines = []
[docs] @classmethod def add_native(cls, name, func, ret, interp=None, send_interp=False): """Add the native python function ``func`` into the pfp interpreter with the name ``name`` and return value ``ret`` so that it can be called from within a template script. .. note:: The :any:`@native <pfp.native.native>` decorator exists to simplify this. All native functions must have the signature ``def func(params, ctxt, scope, stream, coord [,interp])``, optionally allowing an interpreter param if ``send_interp`` is ``True``. Example: The example below defines a function ``Sum`` using the ``add_native`` method. :: import pfp.fields from pfp.fields import PYVAL def native_sum(params, ctxt, scope, stream, coord): return PYVAL(params[0]) + PYVAL(params[1]) pfp.interp.PfpInterp.add_native("Sum", native_sum, pfp.fields.Int64) :param basestring name: The name the function will be exposed as in the interpreter. :param function func: The native python function that will be referenced. :param type(pfp.fields.Field) ret: The field class that the return value should be cast to. :param pfp.interp.PfpInterp interp: The specific pfp interpreter the function should be defined in. :param bool send_interp: If true, the current pfp interpreter will be added as an argument to the function. """ if interp is None: natives = cls._natives else: # the instance's natives natives = interp._natives natives[name] = functions.NativeFunction(name, func, ret, send_interp)
[docs] @classmethod def add_predefine(cls, template): """Add a template that should be run prior to running any other templates. This is useful for predefining types, etc. :param basestring template: The template text (unicode is also fine here) """ cls._predefines.append(template)
[docs] @classmethod def define_natives(cls): """Define the native functions for PFP """ if len(cls._natives) > 0: return glob_pattern = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "native", "*.py" ) for filename in glob.glob(glob_pattern): basename = os.path.basename(filename).replace(".py", "") if basename == "__init__": continue try: mod_base = __import__( "pfp.native", globals(), locals(), fromlist=[basename] ) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write( "cannot import native module {} at '{}'".format( basename, filename ) ) raise e continue mod = getattr(mod_base, basename) setattr(mod, "PYVAL", fields.get_value) setattr(mod, "PYSTR", fields.get_str)
def __init__(self, debug=False, parser=None, int3=True): """Create a new instance of the ``PfpInterp`` class. :param bool debug: if debug output should be used (default=``False``) :param :any:`py010parser.c_parser.CParser` parser: The ``py010parser.c_parser.CParser`` to use (default=``None``) :param bool int3: If debug breakpoints (calls to :any:`pfp.native.dbg.int3` ``Int3()``) are active (default=``True``) """ self.__class__.define_natives() self._log = DebugLogger(debug) # TODO nested debuggers aren't currently allowed self._debugger = None # why is this here?? this isn't used at all self._debug = debug self._printf = True self._break_type = self.BREAK_NONE self._break_level = 0 self._no_debug = False self._padded_bitfield = True # TODO does this default change based on the endianness? self._bitfield_direction = self.BITFIELD_DIR_DEFAULT # whether or not debugging is allowed (ie Int3()) self._int3 = int3 self._ast_frozen = False self._ctxt = None self._scope = None self._coord = None self._orig_filename = None if parser is None: parser = py010parser.c_parser.CParser() # this speeds things up a bit self._parser = parser self._node_switch = { AST.FileAST: self._handle_file_ast, AST.Decl: self._handle_decl, AST.TypeDecl: self._handle_type_decl, AST.ByRefDecl: self._handle_byref_decl, AST.Struct: self._handle_struct, AST.Union: self._handle_union, AST.StructRef: self._handle_struct_ref, AST.IdentifierType: self._handle_identifier_type, AST.Typedef: self._handle_typedef, AST.Constant: self._handle_constant, AST.BinaryOp: self._handle_binary_op, AST.Assignment: self._handle_assignment, AST.ID: self._handle_id, AST.UnaryOp: self._handle_unary_op, AST.FuncDef: self._handle_func_def, AST.FuncCall: self._handle_func_call, AST.FuncDecl: self._handle_func_decl, AST.ParamList: self._handle_param_list, AST.ExprList: self._handle_expr_list, AST.Compound: self._handle_compound, AST.Return: self._handle_return, AST.ArrayDecl: self._handle_array_decl, AST.InitList: self._handle_init_list, AST.If: self._handle_if, AST.For: self._handle_for, AST.While: self._handle_while, AST.DeclList: self._handle_decl_list, AST.Break: self._handle_break, AST.Continue: self._handle_continue, AST.ArrayRef: self._handle_array_ref, AST.Enum: self._handle_enum, AST.Switch: self._handle_switch, AST.Cast: self._handle_cast, AST.Typename: self._handle_typename, AST.EmptyStatement: self._handle_empty_statement, AST.DoWhile: self._handle_do_while, AST.StructCallTypeDecl: self._handle_struct_call_type_decl, AST.TernaryOp: self._handle_if, StructDecls: self._handle_struct_decls, UnionDecls: self._handle_union_decls, } def _dlog(self, msg, indent_increase=0): """log the message to the log""" self._log.debug( "interp", msg, indent_increase, filename=self._orig_filename, coord=self._coord, ) # -------------------- # PUBLIC # --------------------
[docs] def load_template(self, template): """Load a template and all required predefines into this interpreter. Future calls to ``parse`` will not require the template to be parsed. """ self._template = template self._template_lines = self._template.split("\n") self._ast = self._parse_string(template, predefines=True) self._dlog("parsed template into ast") self._ast_frozen = True
[docs] def parse( self, stream, template=None, predefines=True, orig_filename=None, keep_successful=False, printf=True, ): """Parse the data stream using the template (e.g. parse the 010 template and interpret the template using the stream as the data source). :stream: The input data stream :template: The template to parse the stream with :keep_successful: Return whatever was successfully parsed before an error. ``_pfp__error`` will contain the exception (if one was raised) :param bool printf: If ``False``, printfs will be noops (default=``True``) :returns: Pfp Dom """ self._dlog("parsing") if not isinstance(stream, bitwrap.BitwrappedStream): stream = bitwrap.BitwrappedStream(stream) if template is None and not self._ast_frozen: raise errors.InterpError("A template must be provided") self._printf = printf self._orig_filename = orig_filename self._stream = stream if not self._ast_frozen: self._template = template self._template_lines = self._template.split("\n") self._ast = self._parse_string(template, predefines) self._dlog("parsed template into ast") res = self._run(keep_successful) res._pfp__finalize() return res
[docs] def step_over(self): """Perform one step of the interpreter """ self.set_break(self.BREAK_OVER)
[docs] def step_into(self): """Step over/into the next statement """ self.set_break(self.BREAK_INTO)
[docs] def cont(self): """Continue the interpreter """ self.set_break(self.BREAK_NONE)
[docs] def eval(self, statement, ctxt=None): """Eval a single statement (something returnable) """ self._no_debug = True statement = statement.strip() if not statement.endswith(";"): statement += ";" ast = self._parse_string(statement, predefines=False) self._dlog("evaluating statement: {}".format(statement)) try: res = None for child in ast.children(): res = self._handle_node( child, self._scope, self._ctxt, self._stream, ) return res except errors.InterpReturn as e: return e.value finally: self._no_debug = False
[docs] def set_break(self, break_type): """Set if the interpreter should break. :returns: TODO """ self._break_type = break_type self._break_level = self._scope.level()
[docs] def get_curr_lines(self): """Return the current line number in the template, as well as the surrounding source lines """ start = max(0, self._coord.line - 5) end = min(len(self._template_lines), self._coord.line + 4) lines = [ (x, self._template_lines[x]) for x in six.moves.range(start, end, 1) ] return self._coord.line, lines
[docs] def set_bitfield_padded(self, val): """Set if the bitfield input/output stream should be padded :val: True/False :returns: None """ self._padded_bitfield = val self._stream.padded = val self._ctxt._pfp__padded_bitfield = val
[docs] def set_bitfield_direction(self, val): """Set the bitfields to parse from left to right (1), the default (None), or right to left (-1) """ self._bitfield_direction = val
[docs] def get_bitfield_padded(self): """Return if the bitfield input/output stream should be padded :returns: True/False """ return self._padded_bitfield
[docs] def get_bitfield_direction(self): """Return if the bitfield direction .. note:: This should be applied AFTER taking into account endianness. """ return self._bitfield_direction
[docs] def get_filename(self): """Return the filename of the data that is currently being parsed :returns: The name of the data file being parsed. """ return self._orig_filename
[docs] def get_types(self): """Return a types object that will contain all of the typedefd structs' classes. :returns: Types object Example: Create a new PNG_CHUNK object from a PNG_CHUNK type that was defined in a template: :: types = interp.get_types() chunk = types.PNG_CHUNK() """ return PfpTypes(self, self._scope)
# -------------------- # PRIVATE # -------------------- def _parse_string(self, string, predefines=True): exts = [] if predefines: for idx, predefine in enumerate(self._predefines): try: ast = py010parser.parse_string( predefine, parser=self._parser, # clear out the scopes for the first one # that we run keep_scopes=(idx != 0), ) exts += ast.ext except: pass res = py010parser.parse_string( string, parser=self._parser, # only keep the scopes if we ran the predefines keep_scopes=predefines, ) res.ext = exts + res.ext return res def _run(self, keep_successfull): """Interpret the parsed 010 AST :returns: PfpDom """ # example # FileAST: # Decl: data, [], [], [] # TypeDecl: data, [] # Struct: DATA # Decl: a, [], [], [] # TypeDecl: a, [] # IdentifierType: ['char'] # Decl: b, [], [], [] # TypeDecl: b, [] # IdentifierType: ['char'] # Decl: c, [], [], [] # TypeDecl: c, [] # IdentifierType: ['char'] # Decl: d, [], [], [] # TypeDecl: d, [] # IdentifierType: ['char'] self._dlog("interpreting template") try: # it is important to pass the stream in as the stream # may change (e.g. compressed data) res = self._handle_node(self._ast, None, None, self._stream) except errors.InterpReturn as e: # TODO handle exit/return codes (e.g. return -1) res = self._root except errors.InterpExit as e: res = self._root except Exception as e: if keep_successfull: # return the root and set _pfp__error res = self._root res._pfp__error = e else: exc_type, exc_obj, traceback = sys.exc_info() more_info = "\nException at {}:{}".format( self._orig_filename, self._coord.line ) six.reraise( errors.PfpError, errors.PfpError( exc_obj.__class__.__name__ + ": " + exc_obj.args[0] + more_info if len(exc_obj.args) > 0 else more_info ), traceback, ) # final drop-in after everything has executed if self._break_type != self.BREAK_NONE: self.debugger.cmdloop("execution finished") types = self.get_types() res._pfp__types = types return res def _handle_node(self, node, scope=None, ctxt=None, stream=None): """Recursively handle nodes in the 010 AST :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ if scope is None: if self._scope is None: self._scope = scope = self._create_scope() else: scope = self._scope if ctxt is None and self._ctxt is not None: ctxt = self._ctxt else: self._ctxt = ctxt if type(node) is tuple: node = node[1] # TODO probably a better way to do this... # this occurs with if-statements that have a single statement # instead of a compound statement (no curly braces) elif type(node) is list and len( list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, AST.Node), node)) ) == len(node): node = AST.Compound(block_items=node, coord=node[0].coord) return self._handle_node(node, scope, ctxt, stream) # need to check this so that debugger-eval'd statements # don't mess with the current state if not self._no_debug: self._coord = node.coord self._dlog( "handling node type {}, line {}".format( node.__class__.__name__, node.coord.line if node.coord is not None else "?", ) ) breakable = self._node_is_breakable(node) if ( breakable and not self._no_debug and self._break_type != self.BREAK_NONE ): # always break if self._break_type == self.BREAK_INTO: self._break_level = self._scope.level() self.debugger.cmdloop() # level <= _break_level elif self._break_type == self.BREAK_OVER: if self._scope.level() <= self._break_level: self._break_level = self._scope.level() self.debugger.cmdloop() else: pass if node.__class__ not in self._node_switch: raise errors.UnsupportedASTNode( node.coord, node.__class__.__name__ ) res = self._node_switch[node.__class__](node, scope, ctxt, stream) self._log.dec() return res def _handle_file_ast(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_file_ast. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._root = ctxt = fields.Dom(stream) ctxt._pfp__scope = scope self._root._pfp__name = "__root" self._root._pfp__interp = self self._dlog( "handling file AST with {} children".format(len(node.children())) ) children = list(node.children()) # one pass to define all functions. Functions may only live at the # top-level (functions may not be nested or contained within structs, # if/else statements, or other code block types). aka hoisting for child in children: if type(child) is tuple: child = child[1] if not isinstance(child, (AST.FuncDef, AST.Typedef)) \ and not is_forward_declared_struct(child): continue self._handle_node(child, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.clear_meta() for child in children: if type(child) is tuple: child = child[1] if isinstance(child, (AST.FuncDef, AST.Typedef)) or \ is_forward_declared_struct(child): continue self._handle_node(child, scope, ctxt, stream) ctxt._pfp__process_fields_metadata() return ctxt def _handle_empty_statement(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle empty statements :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling empty statement") def _handle_cast(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle cast nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling cast") to_type = self._handle_node(node.to_type, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.push_meta("dest_type", to_type) val_to_cast = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.pop_meta("dest_type") res = to_type() res._pfp__set_value(val_to_cast) return res def _handle_typename(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_typename :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling typename") return self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) def _get_node_name(self, node): """Get the name of the node - check for and node.type.declname. Not sure why the second one occurs exactly - it happens with declaring a new struct field with parameters""" res = getattr(node, "name", None) if res is None: return res if isinstance(res, AST.TypeDecl): return res.declname return res def _handle_decl(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_decl. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling decl") metadata_processor = None if node.metadata is not None: # metadata_info = self._handle_metadata(node, scope, ctxt, stream) def process_metadata(): metadata_info = self._handle_metadata( node, scope, ctxt, stream ) return metadata_info metadata_processor = process_metadata field_name = self._get_node_name(node) field = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) bitsize = None bitfield_rw = None if getattr(node, "bitsize", None) is not None: bitsize = self._handle_node(node.bitsize, scope, ctxt, stream) has_prev = len(ctxt._pfp__children) > 0 bitfield_rw = None if has_prev: prev = ctxt._pfp__children[-1] # if it was a bitfield as well # TODO I don't think this will handle multiple bitfield groups in a row. # E.g. # char a: 8, b:8; # char c: 8, d:8; if ( isinstance(prev, fields.NumberBase) and ( ( self._padded_bitfield and prev.__class__.width == field.width ) or not self._padded_bitfield ) and prev.bitsize is not None and prev.bitfield_rw.reserve_bits(bitsize, stream) ): bitfield_rw = prev.bitfield_rw # either because there was no previous bitfield, or the previous was full if bitfield_rw is None: bitfield_rw = fields.BitfieldRW(self, field) bitfield_rw.reserve_bits(bitsize, stream) if is_forward_declared_struct(node): scope.add_type_class(, field) elif getattr(node, "is_func_param", False): # we want to keep this as a class and not instantiate it # instantiation will be done in functions.ParamListDef.instantiate field = (field_name, field) # locals and consts still get a field instance, but DON'T parse the # stream! elif "local" in node.quals or "const" in node.quals: is_struct = issubclass(field, fields.Struct) if not isinstance(field, fields.Field) and not is_struct: field = field() scope.add_local(field_name, field) # this should only be able to be done with locals, right? # if not, move it to the bottom of the function if node.init is not None: val = self._handle_node(node.init, scope, ctxt, stream) if is_struct: field = val scope.add_local(field_name, field) else: field._pfp__set_value(val) if "const" in node.quals: field._pfp__freeze() field._pfp__interp = self elif isinstance(field, functions.Function): # eh, just add it as a local... # maybe the whole local/vars thinking needs to change... # and we should only have ONE map TODO = field_name scope.add_local(field_name, field) elif field_name is not None: added_child = False # by this point, structs are already instantiated (they need to be # in order to set the new context) if not isinstance(field, fields.Field): if issubclass(field, fields.NumberBase): # use the default bitfield direction if self._bitfield_direction is self.BITFIELD_DIR_DEFAULT: bitfield_left_right = ( True if field.endian == fields.BIG_ENDIAN else False ) else: bitfield_left_right = ( self._bitfield_direction is self.BITFIELD_DIR_LEFT_RIGHT ) field = field( stream, bitsize=bitsize, metadata_processor=metadata_processor, bitfield_rw=bitfield_rw, bitfield_padded=self._padded_bitfield, bitfield_left_right=bitfield_left_right, ) # TODO # for now if there's a struct inside of a union that is being # parsed when there's an error, the user will lose information # about how far the parsing got. Here we are explicitly checking for # adding structs and unions to a parent union. elif ( ( issubclass(field, fields.Struct) or issubclass(field, fields.Union) ) and not isinstance(ctxt, fields.Union) and hasattr(field, "_pfp__init") ): # this is so that we can have all nested structs added to # the root DOM, even if there's an error in parsing the data. # If we didn't do this, any errors parsing the data would cause # the new struct to not be added to its parent, and the user would # not be able to see how far the script got field = field( stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor, do_init=False, ) field._pfp__interp = self field_res = ctxt._pfp__add_child(field_name, field, stream) # when adding a new field to a struct/union/fileast, add it to the # root of the ctxt's scope so that it doesn't get lost by being declared # from within a function scope.add_var(field_name, field_res, root=True) field_res._pfp__interp = self field._pfp__init(stream) added_child = True else: field = field( stream, metadata_processor=metadata_processor ) if not added_child: field._pfp__interp = self field_res = ctxt._pfp__add_child(field_name, field, stream) field_res._pfp__interp = self # when adding a new field to a struct/union/fileast, add it to the # root of the ctxt's scope so that it doesn't get lost by being declared # from within a function scope.add_var(field_name, field_res, root=True) # this shouldn't be used elsewhere, but should still be explicit with # this flag added_child = True # enums will get here. If there is no name, then no # field is being declared (but the enum values _will_ # get defined). E.g.: # enum <uchar blah { # BLAH1, # BLAH2, # BLAH3 # }; elif field_name is None: pass return field def _handle_metadata(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle metadata for the node """ self._dlog("handling node metadata {}".format(node.metadata.keyvals)) keyvals = node.metadata.keyvals metadata_info = [] if "watch" in node.metadata.keyvals or "update" in keyvals: metadata_info.append( self._handle_watch_metadata(node, scope, ctxt, stream) ) if "packtype" in node.metadata.keyvals or "packer" in keyvals: metadata_info.append( self._handle_packed_metadata(node, scope, ctxt, stream) ) return metadata_info # char blah[60] <pack=Zip, unpack=Unzip, packtype=DataType>; # char blah[60] <packer=Zip, packtype=DataType>; # int checksum <watch=field1,field2,field3, update=Crc32>; def _handle_watch_metadata(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle watch vars for fields """ keyvals = node.metadata.keyvals if "watch" not in keyvals: raise errors.PfpError( "Packed fields require a packer function set" ) if "update" not in keyvals: raise errors.PfpError( "Packed fields require a packer function set" ) watch_field_name = keyvals["watch"] update_func_name = keyvals["update"] watch_fields = list( map(lambda x: self.eval(x.strip()), watch_field_name.split(";")) ) update_func = scope.get_id(update_func_name) return { "type": "watch", "watch_fields": watch_fields, "update_func": update_func, "func_call_info": (ctxt, scope, stream, self, self._coord), } def _handle_packed_metadata(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle packed metadata """ keyvals = node.metadata.keyvals if "packer" not in keyvals and ( "pack" not in keyvals or "unpack" not in keyvals ): raise errors.PfpError( "Packed fields require a packer function to be set or pack and unpack functions to be set" ) if "packtype" not in keyvals: raise errors.PfpError("Packed fields require a packtype to be set") args_ = {} if "packer" in keyvals: packer_func_name = keyvals["packer"] packer_func = scope.get_id(packer_func_name) args_["packer"] = packer_func elif "pack" in keyvals and "unpack" in keyvals: pack_func = scope.get_id(keyvals["pack"]) unpack_func = scope.get_id(keyvals["unpack"]) args_["pack"] = pack_func args_["unpack"] = unpack_func packtype_cls_name = keyvals["packtype"] packtype_cls = scope.get_type(packtype_cls_name) args_["pack_type"] = packtype_cls args_["type"] = "packed" args_["func_call_info"] = (ctxt, scope, stream, self, self._coord) return args_ def _handle_byref_decl(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_byref_decl. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling byref decl") field = self._handle_node(node.type.type, scope, ctxt, stream) # this will not really be used (maybe except for introspection) # with byref function params # see issue #35 - we need to wrap the field cls so that the byref # doesn't permanently stay on the class field = functions.ParamClsWrapper(field) field.byref = True return field def _handle_type_decl(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_type_decl. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling type decl") decl = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) return decl def _handle_struct_ref(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_struct_ref. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling struct ref") # name # field struct = self._handle_node(, scope, ctxt, stream) try: sub_field = getattr(struct, except AttributeError as e: # should be able to access implicit array items by index OR # access the last one's members directly without index # # E.g.: # # local int total_length = 0; # while(!FEof()) { # HEADER header; # total_length += header.length; # } if isinstance(struct, fields.Array) and struct.implicit: last_item = struct[-1] sub_field = getattr(last_item, else: raise return sub_field def _handle_union(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_union. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling union") union_cls = StructUnionDef("union", self, node) return union_cls def _handle_union_decls(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): self._dlog("handling union decls") # new scope scope = ctxt._pfp__scope = Scope(self._log, parent=scope) try: max_pos = 0 for decl in node.decls: self._handle_node(decl, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.clear_meta() finally: # the union will have reset the stream + ctxt._pfp__width(), 0) self._scope = scope._parent def _handle_init_list(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle InitList nodes (e.g. when initializing a struct) :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling init list") res = [] for _, init_child in node.children(): init_field = self._handle_node(init_child, scope, ctxt, stream) res.append(init_field) return res def _handle_struct_call_type_decl(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_struct_call_type_decl. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling struct with parameters") struct_cls = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) struct_args = self._handle_node(node.args, scope, ctxt, stream) res = StructDeclWithParams(scope, struct_cls, struct_args) return res def _handle_struct(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_struct. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling struct") if node.args is not None: for param in node.args.params: param.is_func_param = True if node.decls is not None: struct_cls = StructUnionDef("struct", self, node) if is not None: scope.add_type_class(, struct_cls) return struct_cls # it's declaring a struct field. E.g. # struct IFD subDir; else: res = scope.get_type( if res is None: res = StructUnionDef(, self, node) return res def _handle_struct_decls(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): self._dlog("handling struct decls") # new scope scope = ctxt._pfp__scope = Scope(self._log, parent=scope) self._scope = scope try: for decl in node.decls: # new context! (struct) self._handle_node(decl, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.clear_meta() ctxt._pfp__process_fields_metadata() # so that even if return statements/other exceptions # happen, we'll still pop scope finally: # need to pop the scope! self._scope = scope._parent def _handle_identifier_type(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_identifier_type. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling identifier") cls = self._resolve_to_field_class(node.names, scope) return cls def _handle_typedef(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_typedef. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ is_union_or_struct = node.type.type.__class__ in [ AST.Union, AST.Struct, ] is_enum = node.type.type.__class__ is AST.Enum if is_union_or_struct: self._dlog("handling typedef struct/union '{}'".format( if is None: scope.add_type_struct_or_union(, self, node.type.type) else: scope.add_refd_struct_or_union(,, self, node.type.type) elif is_enum: enum_cls = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.add_type_class(, enum_cls) elif isinstance(node.type, AST.ArrayDecl): # this does not parse data, just creates the ArrayDecl class array_cls = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) scope.add_type_class(, array_cls) else: names = node.type.type.names self._dlog("handling typedef '{}' ({})".format(, names)) # don't actually handle the TypeDecl and Identifier nodes, # just directly add the types. Example structure: # # Typedef: BLAH, [], ['typedef'] # TypeDecl: BLAH, [] # IdentifierType: ['unsigned', 'char'] # scope.add_type(, names) def _str_to_int(self, string): """Check for the hex """ string = string.lower() if string.endswith("l"): string = string[:-1] if string.lower().startswith("0x"): # should always match match = re.match(r"0[xX]([a-fA-F0-9]+)", string) return int(, 0x10) else: return int(string) def _choose_const_int_class(self, val): if -0x80000000 < val < 0x80000000: return fields.Int elif 0 <= val < 0x100000000: return fields.UInt elif -0x8000000000000000 < val < 0x8000000000000000: return fields.Int64 elif 0 <= val < 0x10000000000000000: return fields.UInt64 def _handle_constant(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_constant. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling constant type {}".format(node.type)) switch = { "int": (self._str_to_int, self._choose_const_int_class), "long": (self._str_to_int, self._choose_const_int_class), # TODO this isn't quite right, but py010parser wouldn't have # parsed it if it wasn't correct... "float": ( lambda x: float(x.lower().replace("f", "")), fields.Float, ), "double": (float, fields.Double), # cut out the quotes "char": (lambda x: ord(utils.string_escape(x[1:-1])), fields.Char), # TODO should this be unicode?? will probably bite me later... # cut out the quotes "string": ( lambda x: str(utils.string_escape(x[1:-1])), fields.String, ), } if node.type in switch: # return switch[node.type](node.value) conversion, field_cls = switch[node.type] val = conversion(node.value) if hasattr(field_cls, "__call__") and not type(field_cls) is type: field_cls = field_cls(val) field = field_cls() field._pfp__set_value(val) return field raise UnsupportedConstantType(node.coord, node.type) def _handle_binary_op(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_binary_op. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling binary operation {}".format(node.op)) switch = { "+": lambda x, y: x + y, "-": lambda x, y: x - y, "*": lambda x, y: x * y, "/": lambda x, y: x / y, "|": lambda x, y: x | y, "^": lambda x, y: x ^ y, "&": lambda x, y: x & y, "%": lambda x, y: x % y, ">": lambda x, y: x > y, "<": lambda x, y: x < y, "||": lambda x, y: 1 if x or y else 0, ">=": lambda x, y: x >= y, "<=": lambda x, y: x <= y, "==": lambda x, y: x == y, "!=": lambda x, y: x != y, "&&": lambda x, y: 1 if x and y else 0, ">>": lambda x, y: x >> y, "<<": lambda x, y: x << y, } dest_type = scope.get_meta("dest_type") left_val = self._handle_node(node.left, scope, ctxt, stream) if dest_type is not None and not isinstance(left_val, dest_type): new_left_val = dest_type() new_left_val._pfp__set_value(left_val) left_val = new_left_val # short circuit power! if node.op == "||" and left_val: res = 1 else: right_val = self._handle_node(node.right, scope, ctxt, stream) if dest_type is not None and not isinstance(right_val, dest_type): new_right_val = dest_type() new_right_val._pfp__set_value(right_val) right_val = new_right_val if node.op not in switch: raise errors.UnsupportedBinaryOperator(node.coord, node.op) res = switch[node.op](left_val, right_val) if type(res) is bool: new_res = fields.Int() if res: new_res._pfp__set_value(1) else: new_res._pfp__set_value(0) res = new_res return res def _handle_unary_op(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """TODO: Docstring for _handle_unary_op. :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling unary op {}".format(node.op)) special_switch = { "parentof": self._handle_parentof, "exists": self._handle_exists, "function_exists": self._handle_function_exists, "p++": self._handle_post_plus_plus, "p--": self._handle_post_minus_minus, } switch = { # for ++i and --i "++": lambda x, v: x.__iadd__(1), "--": lambda x, v: x.__isub__(1), "~": lambda x, v: ~x, "!": lambda x, v: not x, "-": lambda x, v: -x, "sizeof": lambda x, v: (fields.UInt64() + x._pfp__width()), "startof": lambda x, v: (fields.UInt64() + x._pfp__offset), } if node.op not in switch and node.op not in special_switch: raise errors.UnsupportedUnaryOperator(node.coord, node.op) if node.op in special_switch: return special_switch[node.op](node, scope, ctxt, stream) field = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) if type(field) is type: field = field() res = switch[node.op](field, 1) if type(res) is bool: new_res = field.__class__() new_res._pfp__set_value(1 if res == True else 0) res = new_res return res def _handle_post_plus_plus(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): field = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) clone = field.__class__() clone._pfp__set_value(field) field += 1 return clone def _handle_post_minus_minus(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): field = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) clone = field.__class__() clone._pfp__set_value(field) field -= 1 return clone def _handle_parentof(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle the parentof unary operator :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ # if someone does something like parentof(this).blah, # we'll end up with a StructRef instead of an ID ref # for node.expr, but we'll also end up with a structref # if the user does parentof(a.b.c)... # # TODO how to differentiate between the two?? # # the proper way would be to do (parentof(a.b.c)).a or # (parentof a.b.c).a field = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) parent = field._pfp__parent return parent def _handle_exists(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle the exists unary operator :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ res = fields.Int() try: self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) res._pfp__set_value(1) except AttributeError: res._pfp__set_value(0) return res def _handle_function_exists(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle the function_exists unary operator :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ res = fields.Int() try: func = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) if isinstance(func, functions.BaseFunction): res._pfp__set_value(1) else: res._pfp__set_value(0) except errors.UnresolvedID: res._pfp__set_value(0) return res def _handle_id(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle an ID node (return a field object for the ID) :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ if == "__root": return self._root if == "__this" or == "this": return ctxt self._dlog("handling id {}".format( field = scope.get_id( is_lazy = getattr(node, "is_lazy", False) if field is None and not is_lazy: raise errors.UnresolvedID(node.coord, elif is_lazy: return LazyField(, scope) return field def _handle_assignment(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle assignment nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ def add_op(x, y): x += y def sub_op(x, y): x -= y def div_op(x, y): x.__idiv__(y) def mod_op(x, y): x %= y def mul_op(x, y): x *= y def xor_op(x, y): x ^= y def and_op(x, y): x &= y def or_op(x, y): x |= y def lshift_op(x, y): x <<= y def rshift_op(x, y): x >>= y def assign_op(x, y): x._pfp__set_value(y) switch = { "+=": add_op, "-=": sub_op, "/=": div_op, "%=": mod_op, "*=": mul_op, "^=": xor_op, "&=": and_op, "|=": or_op, "<<=": lshift_op, ">>=": rshift_op, "=": assign_op, } scope.clear_meta() self._dlog("handling assignment") field = self._handle_node(node.lvalue, scope, ctxt, stream) self._dlog("field = {}".format(field)) scope.push_meta("dest_type", field._pfp__get_class()) value = self._handle_node( node.rvalue, scope, ctxt, stream, ) if node.op is None: self._dlog("value = {}".format(value)) field._pfp__set_value(value) else: self._dlog("value {}= {}".format(node.op, value)) if node.op not in switch: raise errors.UnsupportedAssignmentOperator(node.coord, node.op) switch[node.op](field, value) return field def _handle_func_def(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle FuncDef nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling function definition") func = self._handle_node(node.decl, scope, ctxt, stream) func.body = node.body def _handle_param_list(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle ParamList nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling param list") # params should be a list of tuples: # [(<name>, <field_class>), ...] params = [] for param in node.params: self._mark_id_as_lazy(param) param_info = self._handle_node(param, scope, ctxt, stream) params.append(param_info) param_list = functions.ParamListDef(params, node.coord) return param_list def _handle_func_decl(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle FuncDecl nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling func decl") if node.args is not None: # could just call _handle_param_list directly... for param in node.args.params: # see the check in _handle_decl for how this is kept from # being added to the local context/scope param.is_func_param = True params = self._handle_node(node.args, scope, ctxt, stream) else: params = functions.ParamListDef([], node.coord) func_type = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) func = functions.Function(func_type, params, scope) return func def _handle_func_call(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle FuncCall nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling function call to '{}'".format( if node.args is None: func_args = [] else: func_args = self._handle_node(node.args, scope, ctxt, stream) func = self._handle_node(, scope, ctxt, stream) return, ctxt, scope, stream, self, node.coord) def _handle_expr_list(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle ExprList nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling expression list") exprs = [ self._handle_node(expr, scope, ctxt, stream) for expr in node.exprs ] return exprs def _handle_compound(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle Compound nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling compound statement") # scope.push() try: for child in node.children(): scope.clear_meta() self._handle_node(child, scope, ctxt, stream) # in case a return occurs, be sure to pop the scope # (returns are implemented by raising an exception) finally: # scope.pop() pass def _handle_return(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle Return nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling return") if node.expr is None: ret_val = None else: ret_val = self._handle_node(node.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) self._dlog("return value = {}".format(ret_val)) raise errors.InterpReturn(ret_val) def _handle_enum(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle enum nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling enum") if node.type is None: enum_cls = fields.Int else: enum_cls = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) enum_vals = {} curr_val = enum_cls() curr_val._pfp__value = 0 prev_val = None for enumerator in node.values.enumerators: if enumerator.value is not None: curr_val_parsed = self._handle_node( enumerator.value, scope, ctxt, stream ) curr_val = enum_cls() curr_val._pfp__set_value(curr_val_parsed._pfp__value) elif prev_val is not None: curr_val = prev_val + 1 curr_val.signed = enum_cls.signed curr_val._pfp__freeze() enum_vals[] = curr_val enum_vals[fields.PYVAL(curr_val)] = scope.add_local(, curr_val) prev_val = curr_val if is not None: enum_cls = EnumDef(, enum_cls, enum_vals) scope.add_type_class(, enum_cls) else: enum_cls = EnumDef( "enum_" + enum_cls.__name__, enum_cls, enum_vals ) # don't add to scope if we don't have a name return enum_cls def _handle_array_decl(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle ArrayDecl nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog( "handling array declaration '{}'".format(node.type.declname) ) if node.dim is None: # will be used array_size = None else: array_size = self._handle_node(node.dim, scope, ctxt, stream) self._dlog("array size = {}".format(array_size)) # TODO node.dim_quals # node.type field_cls = self._handle_node(node.type, scope, ctxt, stream) self._dlog("field class = {}".format(field_cls)) array = ArrayDecl(field_cls, array_size) # array = fields.Array(array_size, field_cls) array._pfp__name = node.type.declname # array._pfp__parse(stream) return array def _handle_array_ref(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle ArrayRef nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ ary = self._handle_node(, scope, ctxt, stream) subscript = self._handle_node(node.subscript, scope, ctxt, stream) return ary[fields.PYVAL(subscript)] def _handle_if(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle If nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling if/ternary_op") cond = self._handle_node(node.cond, scope, ctxt, stream) if cond: # there should always be an iftrue return self._handle_node(node.iftrue, scope, ctxt, stream) else: if node.iffalse is not None: return self._handle_node(node.iffalse, scope, ctxt, stream) def _handle_for(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle For nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling for") if node.init is not None: # perform the init self._handle_node(node.init, scope, ctxt, stream) while node.cond is None or self._handle_node( node.cond, scope, ctxt, stream ): if node.stmt is not None: try: # do the for body self._handle_node(node.stmt, scope, ctxt, stream) except errors.InterpBreak as e: break # we still need to interpret the "next" statement, # so just pass except errors.InterpContinue as e: pass if is not None: # do the next statement self._handle_node(, scope, ctxt, stream) def _handle_while(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle break node :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling while") while node.cond is None or self._handle_node( node.cond, scope, ctxt, stream ): if node.stmt is not None: try: self._handle_node(node.stmt, scope, ctxt, stream) except errors.InterpBreak as e: break except errors.InterpContinue as e: pass def _handle_do_while(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle break node :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling do while") while True: if node.stmt is not None: try: self._handle_node(node.stmt, scope, ctxt, stream) except errors.InterpBreak as e: break except errors.InterpContinue as e: pass if node.cond is not None and not self._handle_node( node.cond, scope, ctxt, stream, ): break def _flatten_list(self, l): for el in l: if isinstance(el, list) and not isinstance(el, AST.Node): for sub in self._flatten_list(el): yield sub else: yield el def _handle_switch(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle break node :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ def exec_case(idx, cases): # keep executing cases until a break is found, # or they've all been executed for case in cases[idx:]: stmts = case.stmts try: for stmt in stmts: self._handle_node(stmt, scope, ctxt, stream) except errors.InterpBreak as e: break def get_stmts(stmts, res=None): if res is None: res = [] stmts = self._flatten_list(stmts) for stmt in stmts: if isinstance(stmt, tuple): stmt = stmt[1] res.append(stmt) if stmt.__class__ in [AST.Case, AST.Default]: get_stmts(stmt.stmts, res) return res def get_cases(nodes, acc=None): cases = [] stmts = get_stmts(nodes) for stmt in stmts: if stmt.__class__ in [AST.Case, AST.Default]: cases.append(stmt) stmt.stmts = [] else: cases[-1].stmts.append(stmt) return cases cond = self._handle_node(node.cond, scope, ctxt, stream) default_idx = None found_match = False cases = getattr(node, "pfp_cases", None) if cases is None: cases = get_cases(node.stmt.children()) node.pfp_cases = cases for idx, child in enumerate(cases): if child.__class__ == AST.Default: default_idx = idx continue elif child.__class__ == AST.Case: expr = self._handle_node(child.expr, scope, ctxt, stream) if expr == cond: found_match = True exec_case(idx, cases) break if default_idx is not None and not found_match: exec_case(default_idx, cases) def _handle_break(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle break node :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling break") raise errors.InterpBreak() def _handle_continue(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle continue node :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling continue") raise errors.InterpContinue() def _handle_decl_list(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Handle For nodes :node: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :stream: TODO :returns: TODO """ self._dlog("handling decl list") # just handle each declaration for decl in node.decls: self._handle_node(decl, scope, ctxt, stream) # ----------------------------- # UTILITY # ----------------------------- def _mark_id_as_lazy(self, node): curr = node while curr is not None and curr.__class__ is not AST.ID: if getattr(curr, "type", None) is not None: curr = curr.type else: curr = None break if curr is not None: curr.is_lazy = True def _node_is_breakable(self, node): if not self._int3: return False breakable_classes = [ AST.FileAST, AST.Decl, # AST.ByRefDecl, # AST.TypeDecl, # AST.Struct, # AST.IdentifierType, AST.Typedef, # AST.Constant, AST.BinaryOp, AST.Assignment, # AST.ID, AST.UnaryOp, # AST.FuncDef, AST.FuncCall, # AST.FuncDecl, # AST.ParamList, # AST.ExprList, # AST.Compound, AST.Return, AST.ArrayDecl, AST.Continue, AST.Break, AST.Switch, AST.Case, ] return node.__class__ in breakable_classes def _create_scope(self): """TODO: Docstring for _create_scope. :returns: TODO """ res = Scope(self._log) for func_name, native_func in six.iteritems(self._natives): res.add_local(func_name, native_func) return res def _get_value(self, node, scope, ctxt, stream): """Return the value of the node. It is expected to be either an AST.ID instance or a constant :node: TODO :returns: TODO """ res = self._handle_node(node, scope, ctxt, stream) if isinstance(res, fields.Field): return res._pfp__value # assume it's a constant else: return res def _resolve_to_field_class(self, names, scope): """Resolve the names to a class in, resolving past typedefs, etc :names: TODO :scope: TODO :ctxt: TODO :returns: TODO """ switch = { "char": "Char", "int": "Int", "long": "Int", "int64": "Int64", "uint64": "UInt64", "short": "Short", "double": "Double", "float": "Float", "void": "Void", "string": "String", "wstring": "WString", } core = names[-1] if core not in switch: # will return a list of resolved names type_info = scope.get_type(core) if type(type_info) is type and issubclass(type_info, fields.Field): return type_info resolved_names = type_info if resolved_names is None: raise errors.UnresolvedType(self._coord, " ".join(names), " ") if resolved_names[-1] not in switch: raise errors.UnresolvedType( self._coord, " ".join(names), " ".join(resolved_names) ) names = copy.copy(names) names.pop() names += resolved_names if len(names) >= 2 and names[-1] == names[-2] and names[-1] == "long": res = "Int64" else: res = switch[names[-1]] if ( names[-1] in ["char", "short", "int", "long"] and "unsigned" in names[:-1] ): res = "U" + res cls = getattr(fields, res) return cls
def is_forward_declared_struct(node): return ( isinstance(node, AST.Decl) and node.init is None and isinstance(node.type, AST.Struct) and node.type.decls is None )