Source code for pfp.native

import functools

import pfp.interp

[docs]def native(name, ret, interp=None, send_interp=False): """Used as a decorator to add the decorated function to the pfp interpreter so that it can be used from within scripts. :param str name: The name of the function as it will be exposed in template scripts. :param pfp.fields.Field ret: The return type of the function (a class) :param pfp.interp.PfpInterp interp: The specific interpreter to add the function to :param bool send_interp: If the current interpreter should be passed to the function. Examples: The example below defines a ``Sum`` function that will return the sum of all parameters passed to the function: :: from pfp.fields import PYVAL @native(name="Sum", ret=pfp.fields.Int64) def sum_numbers(params, ctxt, scope, stream, coord): res = 0 for param in params: res += PYVAL(param) return res The code below is the code for the :any:`Int3 <pfp.native.dbg.int3>` function. Notice that it requires that the interpreter be sent as a parameter: :: @native(name="Int3", ret=pfp.fields.Void, send_interp=True) def int3(params, ctxt, scope, stream, coord, interp): if interp._no_debug: return if interp._int3: interp.debugger = PfpDbg(interp) interp.debugger.cmdloop() """ def native_decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def native_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) pfp.interp.PfpInterp.add_native( name, func, ret, interp=interp, send_interp=send_interp ) return native_wrapper return native_decorator
def predefine(template): pfp.interp.PfpInterp.add_predefine(template)