Source code for pfp.native.watchers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import binascii
import zlib
import six

from pfp.native import native
import pfp.fields
from pfp.dbg import PfpDbg
import pfp.utils as utils
import pfp.errors as errors

[docs]@native(name="WatchLength", ret=pfp.fields.Void) def watch_length(params, ctxt, scope, stream, coord): """WatchLength - Watch the total length of each of the params. Example: The code below uses the ``WatchLength`` update function to update the ``length`` field to the length of the ``data`` field :: int length<watch=data, update=WatchLength>; char data[length]; """ if len(params) <= 1: raise errors.InvalidArguments( coord, "{} args".format(len(params)), "at least two arguments" ) to_update = params[0] total_size = 0 for param in params[1:]: total_size += param._pfp__width() to_update._pfp__set_value(total_size)
[docs]@native(name="WatchCrc32", ret=pfp.fields.Void) def watch_crc(params, ctxt, scope, stream, coord): """WatchCrc32 - Watch the total crc32 of the params. Example: The code below uses the ``WatchCrc32`` update function to update the ``crc`` field to the crc of the ``length`` and ``data`` fields :: char length; char data[length]; int crc<watch=length;data, update=WatchCrc32>; """ if len(params) <= 1: raise errors.InvalidArguments( coord, "{} args".format(len(params)), "at least two arguments" ) to_update = params[0] total_data = utils.binary("") for param in params[1:]: total_data += param._pfp__build() to_update._pfp__set_value(binascii.crc32(total_data))