Getting Started


Pfp can be installed via pip:

pip install pfp


Pfp is an interpreter for 010 template scripts. 010 Template scripts use a modified C syntax. Control-flow statements are allowed within struct declarations, and type checking is done dynamically, as statements are interpreted instead of at compile time.

010 template scripts parse data from the input stream by declaring variables. Each time a variable is declared, that much data is read from the input stream and stored in the variable.

Variables are also allowed that do not cause data to be read from the input stream. Prefixing a declaration with const or local will create a temporary variable that can be used in the script.

An example template script that parses TLV (type-length-value) structures out of the input stream is shown below:

local int count = 0;
const uint64 MAGIC = 0xaabbccddeeff0011;

uint64 magic;

if(magic != MAGIC) {
    Printf("Magic value is not valid, bailing");
    return 1;

while(!FEof()) {
    Printf("Parsing the %d-th TLV structure", ++count);
    struct {
        string type;
        int length;
        char value[length;
    } tlv;

Note that a return statement in the main body of the script will cause the template to stop being executed. Also note that declaring multiple variables of the same name (in this case, tlv) will cause that variable to be made into an array of the variable’s type.

More about the 010 template script syntax can be read about on the 010 Editor website.

Parsing Data

010 template scripts are interpreted from python using the pfp.parse function, as shown below:

import pfp

template = """
    local int count = 0;
    const uint64 MAGIC = 0xaabbccddeeff0011;

    uint64 magic;

    if(magic != MAGIC) {
        Printf("Magic value is not valid, bailing");
        return 1;

    while(!FEof()) {
        Printf("Parsing the %d-th TLV structure", ++count);
        struct {
            string type;
            int length;
            char value[length];
        } tlvs;

parsed_tlv = pfp.parse(
    template        = template,
    data_file       = "path/to/tlv.bin"

The pfp.parse function returns a dom of the parsed data. Individual fields may be accessed using standard dot-notation:

for tlv in parsed_tlv.tlvs:
    print("type: {}, value: {}".format(tlv.type, tlv.value))

Manipulating Data

Parsed data contained within the dom can be manipulated and then rebuilt:

for tlv in parsed_tlv.tlvs:
    if tlv.type == "SOMETYPE":
        tlv.value = "a new value"

new_data = parsed_tlv._pfp__build()

Printing Structures

The method pfp.fields.Field._pfp__show will print data information about the field. If called on a field that contains child fields, those fields will also be printed:

dom = pfp.parse(...)


010 template sytax supports adding “special attributes” (called metadata in pfp). 010 editor’s special attributes are largely centered around how fields are displayed in the GUI; for this reason, pfp currently ignores 010 editor’s special attributes.

However, pfp also introduces new special attributes to help manage relationships between fields, such as lengths, checksums, and compressed data.

The template below has updated the TLV-parsing template from above to add metadata to the length field:

local int count = 0;
const uint64 MAGIC = 0xaabbccddeeff0011;

uint64 magic;

if(magic != MAGIC) {
    Printf("Magic value is not valid, bailing");
    return 1;

while(!FEof()) {
    Printf("Parsing the %d-th TLV structure", ++count);
    struct {
        string type;
        int length<watch=value, update=WatchLength>;
        char value[length];
    } tlvs;

With the metadata, if the value field of a tlv were changed, the length field would be automatically updated to the new length of the value field.

See Metadata for detailed information.


Pfp comes with a built-in debugger, which can be dropped into by calling the Int3() function in a template.

     23 //   length (4 bytes), chunk_type (4 bytes), data (length bytes), crc (4 bytes)
     24 //   CRC Does NOT include the length bytes.
     25 //--------------------------------------
-->  27 Int3();
     29 BigEndian();                  // PNG files are in Network Byte order
     31 const uint64 PNGMAGIC = 0x89504E470D0A1A0AL;
pfp> peek
89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 .PNG........IHDR
pfp> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  continue  eval  help  list  next  peek  quit  s  show  step  x

pfp> n
     25 //--------------------------------------
     27 Int3();
-->  29 BigEndian();                  // PNG files are in Network Byte order
     31 const uint64 PNGMAGIC = 0x89504E470D0A1A0AL;
     33 // Chunk Type